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The miracles were always dangerous. Everyone knew that, especially the Esper Union.

Or at least, that's what everyone thought.

He wasn't even in the miracle, just on the outside. He should have been fine.

He had taken care of worse miramon before, why was this small and weak one different?

He was with Lewis, and Leora, and Mona, and Bardon, hell, even Gaius and Raven couldn't save him!

Why wasn't it enough?

The blaring lights flashed into Tang Xuan's eyes. This wasn't right.

Why did his off days always become horrific?

He was curled up in the cleaner-filled med bay. The coldness made his exposed arms shiver.

Li Ling...


"Tang Xuan?" Yu Suhua called. She walked over, but stopped at the sound of a heavy heart.

The red head was never one for crying. But he never was able to hide his emotions that well, either.

Suhua gently placed something beside him before leaving. When her soft footsteps disappeared, he peeked out and saw Ling's clothes.

His shaky hands picked up the clothes and cradled them. He could still smell the blood, crusted over now but still just as hard to see as when the stains were fresh.

Not again. Not again.

"Tang Xuan."

Lewis hovered over him. Although his voice sounded with emptiness, his glistening eyes and his trembling lip gave him away.

"Please come...walk with me..."

So Xuan did.

Past their old training grounds.

Past Ling's favorite restaurant.

Past his favorite chair.

Into his office.

Into their new lives.

Raven had already packed everything into boxes. Still lingering in the empty office, she cleared her throat.

"Anything you want to keep," she said silently, "is yours.

"I already sorted out any pictures and personal items."

Xuan picked up the largest photo. It was of him, Lewis, and Ling. On the back, "August 17, 2026. Chili party with the bros!"

Smiling just a bit, he showed Lewis it.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday." Lewis mused. He then picked up another photograph. This one was of just Ling, holding a broom and giving the camera a peace sign. On the back, "March 29, 2027. Had to clean! Boooo!"

"I didn't think Li Ling was one to keep pictures like this..." Xuan whispered, leaning on Lewis to see the photo better.

"Me neither," Lewis admitted, "maybe he didn't want to admit how much the little moments meant to him."

The final photo was of just Xuan and Lewis. Both of them were fast asleep on a couch, and on the back, "January 1, 2027. Here's to a new year."

He couldn't hold it in longer. Bittersweet tears fell down Xuan's freckled cheeks, falling into the sea of nothing that awaited them.

"Tang Xuan?"

Lewis bit his cheek and rubbed Xuan's back, trying his best not to get infected with the bitterness of sadness.

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