Chapter Twenty Nine

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I cried and cried in my bathroom . I rised up my "shirt" and slashed the razor on my thighs

I slashed and slashed till it was a bloody mess

I could still hear moaning and groaning at I couldn't help but start screaming

" HE DOESNT LOVE ME ! " I said crying out as the moaning got louder and louder

I sniffed and limped myself to my bed and got out my phone and called Chanyeol cause I really need someone to talk to

C-Chanyeol !

🍭🍬Yeollie 🍬🍭
Yes ? Jungkook ? What's wrong ?


What ? Oh my gosh... I'm coming to get you

N-no , I'm walk , I need some fresh air

Okay...please don't get lost


I sniffed and cleaning up my cuts . I put on my shoes and slowly walked downstairs . I see Taehyung and Tiffany on the couch making out and I ran outside and cried even more

I started to walk back to Chanyeols house , remembering where he stayed

" Hello sweet thing " I hear a voice say behind me

I turn around on around 3 men walking up to me

" Didn't the news tell you not to go outside little one ? " one of the men said walking closer to me . I backed up till I was pushed up against a wall

" Wanna have some fun ? " The tallest man said grabbing my cut up thighs

" S-Stop ! " I said screaming in pure pain and hit his chest

" Should we take turns with him boys " The man said getting out a white cloth and putting it over my nose

I started to black and until i completely lost consciousness


~Taehyungs POV~

I woke up with a pounding head ache. I looked around and saw what a mess I made last night

I got up from the couch and felt my head spending

I heard pounding at my door and ran to see who it was

It was a random man with red hair

" Are you Taehyung ? " the man said panting

" Yes , who are you ? " I said confused and rubbing my head

" J-jungkook is in an ambulance " The man said panting and running with their were cops and medical examiners were around Jungkook , who was in an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around him

" TAEHYUNG ! " I heard Joy yell as he got out of her car and ran and hugged me

" Where's J-jungkook ? " I said in tears as I pointed the ambulance with Jungkook in it

" Oh my god ! JUNGKOOKIE ! " Joy said crying and running up to Jungkook

" M-mom ! " Jungkook said crying into Joys arms

" Mr and Mrs Kim , we have a few thing we would like to talk about with you " 2 officers said with papers in their hands

" Okay " Joy said holding on the Jungkooks hand

" We examined him and we found 2 DNA samples inside of Jungkook " The man said trailing

Shit....Me and Jungkook didn't take a shower after we had sex the second time last night

" Oh my gosh...who are they ? " Joy said crying while me and Jungkook looked at each other with widen eyes

" Now...the Second sample was from one of the men who attacked Jungkook . But the first one , wasn't from an attacker " The officer said looking at Taehyung

" Do you have anything to say Mr. Kim ? " He said to me

" I-I um...." I couldnt speak correctly

" Taehyung ? Do you know something about this " Joy said looking at me in disbelief

" Mrs . Kim , the second sample that we found inside of Jungkook , we an exact match to your husband Kim Taehyung " The officers said getting out his hands cuffs and put me up against the police car

Joy ran over to me a punched me in the jaw


Kim Taehyung , You have been arrested for the rape of 17 year old Jeon Jungkook . You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.

" Rape ?! No ! I'd never rape Jungkook ! JUNGKOOK TELL THEM ! " I said looking at him and telling him to tell them about us relationship

" JUNGKOOK ! JUNGKOOK TELL THEM ! TELL THEM I DIDNT RAPE YOU ! TELL THEM THE TRUTH " I said yelling at Jungkook as he looked away crying louder than ever

Why won't he just tell them

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