Not a chapter but important, please read!

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Hey guys, I'm sorry but this is not a chapter.

Actually its about this idea I got for a new fan-fiction and well, I need your opinions on the matter. Should I keep it or should I bin it?

So the plot is a rough draft and can be improved. So if you think it can be, then tell me. Plus I have no title for this yet, so if the plot gives you ideas send them to me!! XD

Anyway, check it out and tell me what you think!


I was a gift.

His reward.

There for his amusement.

Made to be his toy.

He grew up isolated, I was happy. He turned to hate and vengeance, I longed for love and security

Until, I became his slave, he became my capture. Alone, beaten and destroyed, I was lost, forgotten.

We were different, yet thrown together by the same man. Bound to be stuck with each other by his power.

No longer a proud Shinobi, I was his until death takes me or I break free.

Moriko Riko is a Chunin of the Land of Lightning. Trained by the powerful Darui, she excels in lightning style jutsu’s as well as swords, her favourite weapons. As her name suggests, she is a child of the forest and a child of truth. Meaning she is one with nature, the land bends to her will without the need for chakra. As a child of truth, Moriko can tell when a person lies be it when they speak or the simplest of actions. On top of that, she gets flashes of the future and memories of others pasts.

A life without true pain, Moriko trains in order to protect those she loves but that all comes to an end when a mission goes wrong and she ends up in the slithery hands of Orochimaru. There she is experimented on and a decision is made. Orochimaru sees an opportunity to reward his perfect vessel, Sasuke, and Moriko is this reward.

*** Please Don't Steal My Idea*****

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