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I walk up to two men sitting on the far end of the bar.

"What can I get for you boys?"

The man on the right just stares at me while the other rolls his eyes. He holds out a hand for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. Can we just get two pints?"

I shake his hand and smile.

"Nori Monroe. And your drinks will be right up."

I walk away with my hands slightly shaking. Nori get yourself together will you? You laid off relationships, remember?!

I go to the bathroom after putting in their order and stare at the mirror. I fix my all too short skirt and shirt while gazing at myself in the mirror with siren amber eyes. I walk back out and walk over to the men.

"Everything is alright for ya?"

Dean looks at his brother and smirks.

"Yeah it's alright. And so are you. What time do you get off?" Dean flashes me a grin and I hold back a laugh

"Dean buddy, you're going to have to do better than that. And by the way, you're not my type." I jab a thumb in Sam's directions and smirk.

"I'm more into men like your brother here. Anything else for you?"

Sam snorts and smiles amused whole Dean pouts.

"Nah we're good though Nori." Sam says, smiling at me.

I smile back and walk my way back to the other side of the bar.

"Stop staring at my ass Dean."

Sam busts out into laughter while Dean grumbles about injustice.

Later that night I made my way to the back door after my shift. It is two am and I am utterly exhausted. I slide on my heavy jacket and pull out a cigarette lighting it. I lean on the brick outside on a cold autumn night watching the moon. That is until I was rudely interrupted.

"Hey sweetheart. What are you doing outside all by yourself?"

I look at the stranger like he has two sets of eyes.

"Beat it buster. I don't have time for another manwhore trying to get in my pants."

"I wouldn't talk to me like that."

"I'm not afraid of you."

The stranger bares multiple rows of teeth and snarls.

"You should be."

I stuff my cigarette under my heels and kick him in his crotch before running. I look behind me to see him grabbing onto his jewels and glaring at me.

"What kind of crack is he on if his teeth look like that?"

He snarls and runs after me at inhuman speed. Good thing I was in gymnastics and track. I spin around as he gets closer to me and smack him with my purse. Then I do a couple summersaults to gain distance before running again.

But when I look back he is gone.

"Ha! Creepy crack loaded bastard! Take that!"

As soon as I turn around I run into something solid.

"What the fu-?"

"Woah, where are you running so fast?"

I look up and see the one and only Sam Winchester standing in front of me with a tight but amused smile.

"I need another cigarette."

He lives to the side and follows me to the wall of the ally I was close to exiting. I light my cigarette and snort.

"Are you Winchesters everywhere?"

"Do you go around smacking people in the face with a purse?"

"Touché. But seriously, why are you here?"

"I was coming back for a drink. And I saw you hit that man in the face. Then summersault away from him. By the way what was that about?"

"Some crackhead with multiple rows of teeth tried to hit on me. Then tried to scare me. I don't live in the suburbs, Sam. I learned the hard way how to protect myself. So I kicked him in the balls and ran."

"Well that is quite the story Nori. I can only be glad it wasn't me."

"Yes you should be. Anyways. Still wanting that drink? I think I need one of those now as well."

"Sure lead the way."

I snuffed out my cigarette under my heel and walked back the way we came.

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