First Encounter~

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When I opened my heavy eyelids, everything around me was still engulfed in darkness, causing my first conclusion to be that I awoke in the middle of the night for a necessary bathroom trip, but abruptly realized it wasn't the case. From my body's sensation I could tell a simple piece of cloth was covering my eyes, was this perhaps a deliberate prank prepared by Senju?

Unable to imagine her acting this way because of her overprotective side towards me caused by my bad constitution I tried to reach for the item that obstructed my ability to see the world around me, only to have my palm caught by someone else. The person's hand was so much larger in comparison to mine, making me believe I was accompanied by a guy. Just brushing past his fingers made me realize how rough they were, which in turn caused me to deduce it wasn't Jun either. Although he was using his hands for work, they were always well taken care of, making them questionably soft.

"What's the meaning of this?" I interrogated the stranger hoping for it to be someone I knew, but the guy in question just started to tie something around my wrists restraining my movements further.

"Hmm~ You never got kidnapped before?" I was astonished that someone dared to announce being a criminal so arrogantly, but one thing stood out to me, I didn't recognize his voice no matter how hard I tried. Which gave me a sigh of relief, part of me was worried that Shuji was capable of doing something this detestable after catching me with another guy.

"Why? Do you wish to collect a ransom from my father?" That's the only reason I could come up with at the spot.

"Silly little thing, all I wanted was you." I got shivers down my spine, just hearing him admit to the fact. I had enough potential love interests to deal with, so who was this crazy psycho and why couldn't he woo chicks the normal way? Did the system knowingly release this joke of a man onto me, because it wanted to see how I would deal with a yandere man? Was I not tortured enough from a day to day life?

"And who are you supposed to be? I've never seen you in my life, why having me around is so important to you?" Rather than freaking out I tried to focus my energy on all the other senses, that's when I got a whiff of cologne, one that I smelt before, but couldn't pinpoint when exactly.

"You already forgotten all about me?" He sounded more amused, rather than hurt, was he scheming something?

"Perhaps you just need a little bit of a nudge to remember me something by~" He whispered into my ear making me uneasy, he suddenly blew air into my neck which caused me to jump.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked, the lack of one crucial sense made me more sensitive than before, but even such a dangerous environment wouldn't stop me from acting childish, so I started to make disgusted noises. He must have gotten somehow pissed off because even my ability to speak was stripped away from me with another piece of cloth. That's when I started to trash around, remembering the advice on the internet that encouraged people to be as difficult as possible to their captors.

"How cute." My struggle was futile, he probably perceived it as a small tickle, nothing to be bothered about. That's why I ceased my effort to slip away, saving my energy for another time and place. I was dragged away someplace, soon I heard some doors creak and we walked right in the middle of a heated argument, which stopped as soon the guy sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"Why are you dragging it along? Here of all the places?" I guess in that stranger's eyes I wasn't nothing but a spec of dust.

"Remember about the incident that took place on Sunday? Well, I kidnapped her to show you all that a woman that can turn into a deer actually exists!" I started to freak out, not only did he dare to break into my house and then abduct me, for what? For seeing me turn into a wild animal? What kind of sick joke was this? However, none of the attendees seemed to be taking this guy seriously.

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