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Pedro parked his car alongside the street with a big smile on his face. Ever since their first official date a few nights ago, Pedro has been heavy on the gestures. Not to overdo things and overwhelm her but to make sure she knows he appreciates her and doesn't really want this to ever be over.

For the first time, Pedro was going into the shop. He decided during her lunchtime would be best since there wouldn't be people in there to be distracted by who he was verses what Shiloh had to offer on the racks, shelves, and mannequins. He held the rolled up bag of takeout under his arm while holding two drinks he pinned up from Dunkin'. She had been obsessed with this piña colada drink lately, saying she hadn't been able to have it in a while so he decided to surprise her with it today. Surprise her with a lot today.

Pedro looked into the window and saw Shiloh was just finishing up with a customer who was stood at her register. He opened the door and she looked up at him with a big smile, the older woman at the register turning around. "Is this your husband, Shiloh?" Pedro smiled proudly as he walked behind the counter to set everything down and greet the woman.

"Crystal, this is my husband Pedro. Pedro, this is Crystal. She's been a regular here since it first opened up." Shiloh gasped seeing the drink on the counter. "You didn't!" She looked up at him with soft eyes and a bright smile. "Thank you."

"I knew you've been wanting it so I figured I'd pick it up for you, along with lunch." He held up the bag which made Shiloh's cheeks flush and her heart flutter.

Shiloh had completely forgotten Crystal was there, she had been so drawn to Pedro's sweet eyes. "Thank you for coming in Crystal, I'll see you next week!"

"Sounds good, dear. And you, take care of this girl. She's got the entire block that'll come after you." Pedro put his hands up in surrender at Crystal's threat before she leaned over to Shiloh to whisper. "You're right, he is dreamy. And he's sweet. Keep him."

Shiloh shooed her out the door where she locked it and flipped the sign over. "I'm dreamy?" Pedro teased her while taking their meals out and place it in front of her stool.

"You definitely can be." She spoke. Shiloh didn't want to express all of these feelings she had been having since their first date. She hasn't stopped thinking about the electricity in just their hands. She hadn't stopped thinking about the way he complimented her, the way he looked at her, or the way he talked to her like she was human but like she was the only one he cared about. She hadn't ever felt this need to be with someone all of the time before and it scared her but damn did she want this more than anything. "Thank you for doing this. Chinese is hitting the spot."

Pedro chuckled seeing her already almost done with her meal. "Stressful day?" She nodded her head while taking a sip of her drink. "I got you some crab Rangoon too in case you were stressed."

Shiloh thought her entire world had slowed down. No one has ever cared for her this much. To remember something she said to him the morning they met when they were both incredibly hungover was so shocking to her and yet it made her fall for him even more. "You're the absolute best."

"I try my best for the best." She smiled at him before noticing he was also almost done. Shiloh couldn't help but want him to stay with her the rest of the day but knew it would only bring the wrong attention to her shop. "Has it been pretty crazy today?"

"Just with unloading. I still have a ton of boxes to go so I might be late getting out tonight."

"I'll do it."

Shiloh looked up at him with wide eyes. "No. You don't have to do that. It's okay."

"Shi, I'm helping you out. I've got nothing going on for once. Let me help you. My wife." Shiloh didn't need any more convincing. My wife was more than enough for her to say "yes" to him for the rest of her life. "Just gotta tell me what everything is and where it goes."

Wrapped Around Your Finger [Pedro Pascal]Where stories live. Discover now