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Shiloh walked into the bathroom and gasped seeing herself done up in a way she never expected. Her eyes shimmering with gold sparkles, her cheeks flush with a pink that wasn't her own, her lips glossed and shining. She was surprised they gave her gloss instead of a matte since this was a pretty glam look. Her long dark hair had been curled so elegantly as it laid against her back, the hair that would normally be in her face was braided back. Shiloh's gown was gorgeous and made her feel so regal. Larsa was pleased that Shiloh had let the stylist and her dress Shiloh the way she deserved and gave her a feeling she needed.

A white gown with gold vines running through it, she felt like a princess in this moment. She had never felt more beautiful. They had given her a gold necklace with a beautiful diamond laying in the middle of it that was similar to the one on her finger. She doesn't know how but she had forgotten about the ring completely. She had been wearing it to do everything so it became like another layer of skin for her. She missed Pedro but she could't get over what he did, it truly hurt her and she doesn't know if she'll ever recover from it. "Shi, Oscar's here!" Larsa had shouted from down the hall.

"I'm coming!" Shiloh shouted back before picking up the multi-layered dress and walking out to the living room to find Oscar wearing a tuxedo. "Well, long time no see." She joked before going and looking at the dress rack one more time to confirm this is the one she wanted to wear.

"That dress is fine, Shiloh. You look amazing! Too bad your husband isn't here to see you." Shiloh's face dropped as she chucked a shoe at him from beneath the rack. "Okay fine, I won't mention him. You do look beautiful though, Elvira said she's glad you're in that dress."

"How does she know what I'm wearing?" Shiloh turned around to see Larsa shrugging. She wasn't sure how Larsa ended up with Elvira Lind's phone number but she wasn't going to question it now because it wasn't the time for it. "Alright, let's go do this." She spoke before placing her hand in Oscar's elbow and following him outside to the car that would be driving them to the event.

Shiloh didn't know much about what the event was for, part of her wanted to ask but she honestly just wanted to get it over with. Everyone was going to be asking her about Pedro tonight, everyone would be asking what happened the other night and be wondering why she is back at her own house. She wanted to tell the truth, that it was nothing but a sham but she cared too much about him to do that to him. Even though he didn't have that same generosity for her. "We're here, you ready?" Shiloh nodded at Oscar as she exited the car with him. She could read the confused looks on everyone's faces like a book. She knew that after everything that the media had been spewing about their situation, seeing her show up with his best friend had to have been pretty jaw dropping for most.

Oscar put his hand on Shiloh's that had gripped tightly to the inside of his elbow. "I know it's a bit more than you're used to with Pedro but I'm right here. And it'll be over before you know it." Shiloh just nodded at him. She trusted Oscar and knew he would be here for her but she wasn't sure if he would be able to have the same effect and fast-acting nature as Pedro. Pedro was always so quick with her anxiety and putting an end to it as fast as he could in order to benefit her. She knew Oscar would try but she was worried his methods may not work with her.

They finally arrived to an "x" spot to take pictures and Shiloh was a deer in headlights. She had only done this with Pedro, a simple arm around her waist, a hand to his chest, and pressed close together. How was she suppose to do this with Oscar? She had a big crush on Oscar Isaac and has thought about this moment thousands of times as a teenager and recently before Pedro but now that the moment was here she didn't know what to do. "Shiloh?" She looked up at Oscar who was looking down at her so friendly and so genuinely caring. "I'm going to put my arm around back but don't worry I'll only leave my hand on your side. You can put an arm around me if you want, whatever is comfortable for you." She nodded at him and wrapped her arm around his back. For some reason she was comfortable doing this, she never thought standing next to Oscar would be so easy and so casual. She never even thought she'd get to stand next to him or have this life at all.

Wrapped Around Your Finger [Pedro Pascal]Where stories live. Discover now