❤️❤️!the proposal!❤️❤️

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Me (author): hii guys I'm so tired rn but I'm putting my full effort in this chapter I promise!! My legs are so sour! I'm literally dying. Also I might get a big role in the play I'm in. And finally I'm getting a reward because I served so much in my church.(I'm catholic but that won't get in the way of me only shipping gay people!) Also the award is on my mom's birthday... I'm so busy rn!! Anyways enough about me! Make sure to ask questions I'll answer them TMR!!! I only got one so I need some more!!! Enjoy this chapter y'all!!!

Earth's pov:
We were told to meet up at a party room for something special but I don't know what it is yet!! I hope it's something good!! Me and the others were talking and waiting for solar and ruin to come in.


Solar's pov:
I ate with ruin barely touching my food because of how anxious I am. I bit my lower lip trying not to hyperventilate. Ruin looked at me with concern. "Um honey are you alright? You've barely even touched your food and you look like you are thinking hard!" I heard ruin say in a worried tone. "No darling!! I'm fine I'm just glad I get to hang out with you!!" I said. "Awww solar your too cute!" He said putting his hands on his cheeks. I smiled back at him while he giggled with delight. I put my arm on the table and he held my hand." You are The most perfect thing that I can lay my eyes on... Ruin.." I said giving his hand a kiss. "Oh my..." He said fanning his face with his hand. "You're the most wonderful person I've met... Ruin darling.." I said as he let go of my hand and covered his face in his hands. I looked at him and chuckled a little bit. He finally got done being flushed and looked at me. "Solar... You've done so much for me... I just really wanted to say I love you so much..." He said as I smiled. We finally got done with eating and I said I had a surprise for him, sun, moon, earth, and even lunar! I closed his eyes and walked him to the party room. Ruin walked in with me behind him. We all said hi to each other. "So umm what are we here for?" Moon said. "Well..." I gulped and got on one knee in front of ruin. Ruin looked towards me wondering what I was doing. I took his hands. "R-ruin, your the sweetest, kind, and most lovable person I've ever met. "Mhm..?" He said still confused. "I-i- think you're p-perfect and..." I said as silence surrounded the room. I pulled out a small opening box and opened it that showed a ring. Ruin's eyes opened wide on what was happening. "I just wanted to ask..." I said. "WILL YOU MARRY ME?!' I said scarred as hell. Tears welded in his eyes. Everybody gasped and looked at me then ruin wanting to hear his answer. "YES!!" He said also yelling. I got up quickly and kissed him. He kissed back and I spun him in circles. Everyone was cheering but moon was still shocked with his mouth wide open. I finally put him down and put he ring on his ring finger. We both shared a kiss as earth was literally shaking sun by the shoulders squealing. We finally broke the kiss and looked at each other. I held his cheek in my palm. We shared a final kiss and hugged. Earth and luner went up to us and hugged us. Earth was crying and was so happy. Sun and moon watched as we got tackled by balling earth and happy luner. Soon after everyone left me and ruin teleported home.. our home. We got there and ruin guickky room the jacket I made for him off and sat on the couch. I went over to him "hey you with the red dress on... I gotta find a way to take it off~.." I sang sitting with ruin looking at him. He gave me a kiss. "Well I'm glad that I put other things in my mouth before this~" he said smugly.  I looked in his eyes while I undid the sides of his dress. One thing let to another... Yatta yatta yat.

(Time skip! :]!!)

I woke up next to ruin thinking of what we did last night and that ruins my fiance now. I looked at ruin who was peacefully sleeping. His face is so adorable.. I thought to myself as I put a hand in his head rubbing it lightly. I snuggled closer to him and gave him kisses. He slowly got up and yawned. "hi solar.." he said. "hey honey.." I said. I put him in my lap even though we were both naked. He didn't mind. He just snuggled into my chest. "God im lucky that you said yes.." I said. " I just hit the jackpot.." he said. I kissed him and layed back down he laid on me putting his head in my chest. I played with his rays and fell asleep again. He soon fell asleep and snuggled our body's together. I woke up later in the mourning to sed that ruin moved next to me. I guiltily got our of bed and made him breakfast. I hope he likes it. I went back up to my room and woke up ruin. Again, he was surprised that I made pancakes for him and flushed. We both finally kissed each other. Solar had no work today so he is going to hang out with ruinall day!!
Me (author): hiii guys thx for being patient!! I'm so tired rn but I promise I'll do my best! I'm so tired but I'll still do these. Anyways for guestions!! People you can ask are:

Me (they/ she)

Litterly anyone in this universe!! Please ask questions!! Thz love y'all!! Good day!!

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