eclipse's hell

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Me (author): I don't know if it's all of them but y'all wanted eclipse to be beaten up.....


Eclipse: huh

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Eclipse: huh..?!

Urbestiegirl12: *dropkicks*

Eclipse: owww what was that for?!

Eclipse: owww what was that for?!

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(Eclipse is no longer safe)

S0larstann3r: does those things...

Eclipse: oww!! What the f*ck?! That's hurts! What did I do?! Oww f***ccckkk. All I did was want star for s-

Me: shhsh your going to spoil it!

S0larstann3r: shoots eclipse with rays. (You shoot him nine times.)

Eclipse: (on the floor trying to get away) oww... You mother f*cking b*itch...

Eclipse: have at me!- ah f*cking knees!

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Eclipse: have at me!- ah f*cking knees!

Moondropthegay: get crowbarred b*tch! Thanks for the crowbar bostyn.

Eclipse: bostyn! What the f*ck!

Me (author): I don't know... I was bored!
(Ahem reference to a certain animation ahem)

 I was bored!(Ahem reference to a certain animation ahem)

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Eclipse: *does uncutely*


So that should be it! Thx for the comments!

The people:




Thx for letting me use my comments!!!

See ya next chapter!

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