𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨-𝐆𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 (𝐩𝐭.𝟒)

443 3 13



- When she sees Megumi again after a month and a half
~ I wish I hated you - Ariana Grande

- When she sees Gojo again ♡
~ Lover of Mine - 5SOS

(AN: Thank you guys for the combined 4.62K reads on just the last 3 chapters of this love triangle short story! All the comments and votes on this too, I appreciate you all! And your patience - sorry it took forever for me to update. And sorry I made you cry when you came here for smut. I hope you guys will like the ending I've written :D )

Sora POV

This morning I woke up to the light of the sunrays shining through my window. At first glance, it seemed like a typical morning. But I turned in bed and sighed, looking at the empty spot in the bed next to me. It was cold, unslept in. Technically, this had become the usual for me. And on mornings like this, I'd always wonder what would've happened if I'd taken a different path 4 years ago. If I hadn't chosen to be with Megumi, would things have been more.. normal? Would I wake up to the sleeping face of my boyfriend, would I not be alone all the time? I loved Megumi, I did. I'd already given him 4 years of my life after all, and there had been good times. I remember them all, every laugh, every tear shed, but what I remember most was the look on his face, the day I told him I had feelings for him. And with that, the look on Gojo's face when I told him I couldn't see him anymore. That day had broken me in a way, because I knew there was more between us than we'd let on to each other. But it was also wrong, so I chose the responsible option, did the right thing.
And it still haunts me at night, when everything becomes quiet and there are no distractions, just me and my thoughts, alone in the dark.
I always wondered if he had just put on a brave face, if he was hurting. Because even though I'd chosen Megumi right then, the responsible choice for my age, I couldn't deny that it had hurt. It did. I remembered what I told him that day, and it followed me in my dreams like a curse I couldn't exorcise.

'Doesn't it make you feel disconnected, not being able to look the people you love in the eye?'

I finally figured out the answer to the question I'd asked Gojo all those years ago for myself. Because as much as I loved Megumi, he was never around.
I couldn't connect with him, couldn't look him in the eye. And I genuinely had never felt more alone in my life, even if we tried to make it work. It never felt the same, even when I'd occassionally see him. Once a month was not enough to sustain a relationship, not with our jobs. And I had a feeling we'd been slipping from each other more and more lately. He'd miss our nightly calls, he stopped texting me goodnight and goodmorning, even when I did.

With a soft sigh I got up and rubbed my eyes, going towards the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. As I reached for my toothbrush my phone beeped, and I noticed it was a message from Nobara. It was our emergency text, that I had to call her asap.

I immediately dialed her number and called, impatiently tapping my foot on the bathroom tile as I waited for her to pick up. There was a queasy feeling in my stomach, like something ominous was about to happen. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable, like I had to prepare myself. A few seconds later, Nobara picked up, her voice hushed and whispery. "Hey Sora.. I just saw Megumi." She spoke lowly, my eyebrow quirking up in surprise. "Megumi?" I questioned quietly, shaking my head to get my thoughts in order. "Hold on, why are you whispering?" I asked, looking into the mirror as I spoke, waiting for her to respond.
"He doesn't see me. He can't. If he does, he might start acting differently. Hold on." She whispered, a hint of annoyance to be detected in her tone. But it wasn't towards me. I was about to protest and ask her what she was on about but before I could, I received multiple new messages from her. I put her on speaker and opened my phone, my eyes widening when I saw a bunch of pictures and a video of Megumi. He was sitting with a girl. She was pretty, and.. she was touching his face and obviously giggling. But that wasn't the worst part.
"N-nobara.. he's-" I started, my voice wracked with emotion as I swallowed thickly. My throat had gone dry at the sight of the picture and video.
"I know. Fushiguro.. he's blushing." She spoke in a soft tone, her voice weirdly comforting in that moment.
"He's.. sitting closer?!" I asked, my voice now getting high strung as I finished the video, my eyes widening, seeing the way he placed his hand on that girls thigh. I couldn't even begin to describe the way my heart was hurting at that moment.
Even if I'd known. That was Shiro. He'd told me about her, and he had gotten uncharacteristically excited telling me about how strong and smart she was.
I swallowed hard as well, feeling tears running down my cheek when I saw the way he kissed her - on her cheek, but he still kissed her. If this was any other guy, I'd say he was just being friendly. But this was Megumi. Normally, he didn't even let people close enough to touch him with a ten foot pole.
"I'm breaking this shit up right now. You don't deserve this." Nobara spoke up, her angered voice ringing through the speakers. "Wait." I muttered quietly, shaking my head even if she couldn't even see it. "Don't. Just.. let him. I'm gonna talk to him when he gets back here tomorrow." I added, trying to make her calm down along with my painfully racing heart. This stung - even if I could've seen it coming. He hadn't technically done anything wrong, but I couldn't in good conscience keep going like this. He hadn't even told me he was back, and the worst part, I wasn't the first thing on his mind. He didn't come to see me first. That said enough.
"Are you sure?" Nobara asked, her voice having taken on a more gentle tone. She sounded worried, and that somehow made me calm down a little as I wiped away my tears. I sniffed, nodding again, even though she couldn't see me.
"I'm sure. Thank you, for showing me. I love you, Nara." I whispered quietly into my phone, my voice a little shaky despite how badly I'd tried to keep it steady. I heard her let out a stiff chuckle at the nickname I had given her a few years ago, since I always thought there was no way to shorten her name. She always said she didn't like it, but I could tell she did. "Love you too, Sora. I'll come by with ice cream tomorrow night." She murmured softly. "I'm gonna get back to work. Curses to be exorcised before I can go shopping." She sighed and I sighed as well, both of us sharing a moment of silence before I spoke up again. "Thanks, Nara. Goodluck." I muttered quietly and hung up. The moment the call ended, tears started gushing. My heart was broken, because I knew he didn't love me anymore. Not in the way he used to.
I'd always thought somehow we'd make it, even when things had been rough the past few years. But it was clear as day now that I'd seen this. How happy he looked around that girl.. I didn't make him smile like that anymore. And despite how much this hurt, I wanted him to be happy. Even if it wasn't with me. I sighed loudly, the sound more of a groan than anything as I looked into the mirror and gently smacked my own cheeks, trying to get myself together.
"Come on, Sora. You've gotten through worse." I spoke to myself, my voice low and broken, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.

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