Sweet Confession

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You worked for Montague at the Grand Glacier hotel. You worked as his personal assistant. You did things like paper work, organizing the hotel rooms for guests and helping out the guests. Sometimes, Montague wasn't pleased with the work you have done, other days he would be proud of your hard work and effort. His workers had to be off duty by a certain time or else they would be scolded. Today was a different day. You had woken up with really bad stomach cramps. They felt unbearable. You weren't sure if today you were able to help out.

"Ugh why did this have to happen" you said under your breath.

You rolled over on your bed frustrated. Whining in pain. Being on your period was something that got in your way. You laid there curled up until you heard a knock on the door.

"Y/N are you okay?" a familiar voice spoke. It was Montague. He sounded worried.

"I-I'm fine" you said while laying on the bed in discomfort.

He knew that you weren't feeling okay so with that, he opened the door.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a worried expression. You could tell that he was trying to help you.

"Well.. It's kinda embarrassing" you said looking away from him. You weren't so sure if Montague knew what was going on.

"Tell me, please or I'm unable to help you" he said with a reassuring smile.

"Well.. I'm on my period and I don't feel the best" you said looking to the side holding your stomach.

"Hmm I see.. I know that being on your menstrual cycle can be challenging and I understand, perhaps I can get you some pads or pain killers?" he offered.

"Yes please" you answered.

With that, Montague left the room and went to get the things that you needed. Minutes later, he came back. He gave you what seems like a box of pads, a glass of water and some pain killers. You lifted yourself up a little from the bed so you were sitting down. He hands you the glass of water and pain killers.

You then took the pain killers hoping that they would do something to relieve the pain.

"Thank you, Montague" You thanked him.

"My pleasure, I suggest that you go change before you stain the sheets" he suggested.

He was right. You didn't want to ruin the nicely cleaned sheets. With that, you went to the bathroom to change. Minutes passed by and you walked back to your bed. Montague was still there waiting.

"Is everything okay? Do you need something else" he asked. You noticed that he let out a soft side of him. He wasn't monotone but rather more sweet. It was adorable.

"Even with the pain killers, I'm still somewhat cramping" you answered with a tired tone. It really did drain your energy. You weren't so sure if Montague is still gonna make you work.

"I see.. I'm not a woman to judge the severity of your pain so I suggest you rest for the day" he said with a reassuring warm smile.

"But what about the paperwork-" you were then interrupted by him.

"Shh.. don't worry about it, you can do that when you are feeling well rested. I don't want to force you to do anything when you are in pain"

He then closes the door and turns on the heater. It was snowy outside and you guys were expecting some heavy snow later today. He then opens a cabinet and reaches for a warm cozy blanket.

"Here, this should help" he gently places the nicely folded blanket onto the bed.

"Thank you Montague, Why are you so kind to me all the sudden" you asked him out of curiosity.

Sweet Confession -  (Montague x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now