The Loss

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A few years have passed since that night with Y/N and alot has changed since then. Since that night he hasn't told anyone what happened to him and decided to change himself up. In the last few years he's been working out 5 times a day for 8 years but kept it a secret. He kept himself distant from everyone even his mom and sister but he still spent time with them and would still sacrifice anything for them. He always brings home money to help with groceries and the rent when M/N worked long hours no one knew where Y/N got his money from but they decided not to question after all Y/N became the man of the house and did what he had to do to help out with his family.

Y/N still gets bullied at school but it didn't get to him much anymore and alot have stopped simply because he didn't give any reaction to anything anyone did all expect his main bully a white boy named Andrew who use to be friends with him years ago but then turned and started to say racial slurs and beat Y/N up whenever he could.

One good thing came out of this Y/N now has a girlfriend of 1 year and his family instantly loved her she was an outcast just like him. Her name was Arianna and she was just another loner at school that Y/N was always to shy to talk to simply because he got rejected by any girl he would attempt to ask out they would always make fun of him but not her. Eventually she talked to him first one day and then they found out they had alot in common and from there on out Y/N finally found a woman who loved him for who he was.

???-You saved me life that night

???- The hotel will work we just gotta believe

???- Your just like your father

???- I just wanna see what he's packing ~

???- you like my music what else do you like about me~

???- RUN Y/N

???- I Love you so much

???- Hello Y/N

???- Smile my dear your never fully dressed without one

???- It's great to be back

Y/N- *wakes up in sweat* what the fuck is it with these dreams I've had these dreams for 8 years and I still don't know what they mean.

*in the distance* M/N- Kids breakfast is ready

Y/N- guess I'll have to figure it out another time

Y/N and S/N make their to the kitchen and see their mother making breakfast for the 3 of them

M/N- morning my precious babies

Y/N S/N- morning mom

M/N- you kids sleep well

Y/N S/N- yes mom

M/N- what are your plans for today

Y/N- I'm hanging out with Kat and Ari today

S/N- I thought me and you spend the day together mom

M/N- Oh honey I'd love to spend the day with you what'd you have in mind

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