The Heartbreak

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It's been a 2 years since the loss of Y/Ns mother and sister but he still had Kat and Arianna. They were the only people to hold him together in the toughest times of his struggle with grief and keeping what's left of his sanity in tact. In fact Y/N found a little girl 1 year ago she was only 6 and she ran away from an abusive home and took care of her ever since a girl named Natasha she didn't know much of how anything worked on the outside so he took her in and taught her how to be a kid and give her the childhood she was never given she was a major improvement to his kife. Another thing on the plus side is his girlfriend or should I say finance is pregnant with their child and it was scary yet one of the happiest moments of Y/Ns life.

Y/N was just getting back from killing more people to see his fiance

Y/N- *walks over and kisses Ari* Hey love how did everything go today

Ari- Oh you know the usual cleaning doing laundry and still writing oh and kats coming by tonight is that ok

Y/N- Oh FUCK YEA you know she's more then welcome to swing by whenever and wherever

Ari- Anyway how was your day you kill anyone you steal from someone did you burn something down

Y/N *sits on couch* I just killed 20 people and I forget how exhausting it is to see the life drain from someone's eyes don't get me wrong it's fun but goddamn it's exhausting * ari moves over and massages him* Ohhhhh~ that's nice I wasn't expecting that love

Ari- I had to get you back from the last time you did this to me even when I had mood swings

Y/N- I told you I didn't mind helping you beautiful anything for our children and you I will do * massages lower* Ohhh~ baby are you trying to have some fun with me *rubs his dick*

Ari- *giggles* maybe *rubs faster* do you love when I do this to you~

Y/N- *moans* oh baby I don't care who walks in don't stop *she stops rubbing* Whaa wh...y

Ari- We can continue this later when everyone's asleep

Y/N- Damn you woman what am I suppose to do about my blue balls now

Ari- *giggles* either wait or run yourself

Y/N- *growls* Fine I'll wait til later but just know I'm not going easy on you

Ari- I wouldn't have it any other way

A few hours go by as Y/N helps Arianna with the rest of the chores and cleans the house to get ready for later.

As there cleaning Natasha walks in to see her parents

Natahsa- MOMMY DADDY *she runs over to her parents and hugs them*

Ari- *hugs back* how's my little princess doing today

Y/N- *kisses her forehead* how's my favorite daughter doing

Natasha- Daddy I'm your only daughter

Y/N- Soon a big sister to your little sister but you will always be Daddy's little girl *picks her up and spins her around*

Natasha- Everything went okay today I got homework and I have off from school tomorrow. Oh can I go to Katie's tomorrow please please pleaseeeeee

Y/N- I'm on with it what about you Ari

Ari- I'm ok with it but please be careful when you go out

Natasha- *hugs both her parents* THANK YOU *kisses baby bump*

Y/N- Also aunt kats coming by tonight


Y/N- Then I would suggest you start your homework and if you need help you come to me or mom for help.

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