Chapter Twenty seven.

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I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. Today, Ryuu will be discharged. I glanced at my husband, who was sleeping beside me. He looked so cute; I just wanted to squish those fluffy cheeks. I smiled as I turned to see him properly. I would love it if our child looks like his father.

Moving closer to him, I placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him. I heard him smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist, laying on his back, making me lay on him. "You're up too early," his morning voice, husky and deep, sounded, and I couldn't help but find it attractive. "I don't think so," I replied, placing my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"How's the baby doing?" he asked, laying me back on the bed and placing his hand on my tummy. "Good. It's hungry," I said, making him chuckle. He made me face him, his arms still around my waist. I squished his cheeks, making him frown. "I couldn't resist," I laughed, kissing his cheeks. "I'm going to eat those," he chuckled, hugging me tightly and burying his head in my neck, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, looking at me, and I sighed. "I'm thinking about the baby. How will we manage?" I looked at him, and he smiled reassuringly. "We're just going to be fine. Isn't it exciting that we'll have a little Min in our arms after a few months?" he said, making me smile as I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm just scared. How will I manage my job and give time to my baby?" I spoke while caressing his arm. "Don't worry, baby, we'll take care of it together," he replied, making me smile.

"I just want to have a daughter who looks just like her mother," he smiled at me. "I want a son who looks just like his father," I said, making him chuckle. "The gender doesn't matter. I want it to be healthy. I can't wait to carry it," he said, making me chuckle. I placed my hand over his, which was on my belly. "I'm nervous," I sighed, and he kissed my cheek. "Don't be," he looked at me, making my lips curve into a smile.

He held my hand, kissing it. "I love you," he smiled at me. "I love you too," I replied. "You make me happy. You made this mansion a home. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You gave me the love and happiness that I craved for. You are carrying my baby. You are giving me a family. I love you so much, Yazia. I can't imagine my life without you," he buried his head in my neck, making me smile as I ran my hands through his hair. "You protected me when I was being targeted. You cared for me and my dignity. Whenever I was in trouble, I always found you there helping me. Moreover, I am just fulfilling my responsibilities as a wife," I said, making him smirk. "Wife huh?" He smirked pulling me closer to him. "My wife." I planted a kiss on my forehead making me smile. "We are getting late. We should get up," I said, looking at the time on my phone. "I'll lay down here for a few minutes," he said, making me chuckle. "Alright. Don't get late," I got up from the bed, pushing my hair back as I wore my slippers and walked into the washroom.

I washed my face and changed my clothes. I walked downstairs to see Yoongi sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes. I combed my hair and wore my hijab. He walked into the washroom while I walked downstairs to get breakfast ready. The maids had already prepared breakfast, and I helped them place the dishes on the dining table.

Yoongi walked down wearing his office attire, making me smile. He sat down, and we had our breakfast. It was overwhelming to know that there was a little being inside me. Yoongi went to the company, and he dropped me off at the hospital.

I walked in and avoided going to Ryuu's room. He would be discharged today evening. I had a surgery with Doctor Ferman. He didn't let me do much work, though. After the surgery, I washed my hands. Lately, I had been feeling nauseous when I saw blood. "I heard you are having a baby. Congratulations," Deniz stood beside me with a smile. "Are you going to click my pictures and send them to the media now?" I asked, looking at her, and her smile dropped.

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