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Hello lilies sorry for updating for a long time Enjoyy ....

Yeonjun ordered soobin to accompany him to the auction ( The Choi family often goes to auctions to keep their pride with the park family)

Soobin wore his suit which was personally selected by yeonjun as we need to keep it classy " Classy my ass this shit is too tight i don't think i can stand this shit for more than 1 hour" soobin thought while putting the suit on .

Yeonjun waited for soobin standing against the car , soobin entered catching everyone's attention he looked saur classy yeonjun was lost of words to describe

Soobin felt the main character energy in him for a sec next he was is in the ground he slipped ( Gravity really loves him ) Everyone started laughing but soobin kept his cool while feeling embarrassed , yeonjun chuckled at got into the car , soobin drove to the event

At the event

Soobin was by the bar monitoring yeonjun ( not really) he was interested in the drink actually so he drank some without yeonjun knowing

A random lady scooted near yeonjun , hands over him , whispering something him about the room , yeonjun went to a private room the girl followed him , Soobin didn't notice this he was busy learning a new drink called DREAMER .

Soobin finally noticed yeonjun was nowhere to be found so he began searching rooms and decided to visit the private room , He opened the door finding Yeonjun pinned to the wall and the girl trying to do something to him soobin smirked at the scene " Close the door when doing this " he was about to close the door that's when yeonjun shouted " Little shit she is trying to kill me " soobin looked twice and saw the woman keeping a knife at yeonjun's neck .

" Oh yeah i didn't notice that " soobin raised to kick the woman but the girl switched position so accidently soobin kicked yeonjun , Yeonjun groaned at the pain while the girl tried to stab him

Soobin took hold of the girl's neck and banged her head against the wall repeatedly but she was too strong af she kicked soobin in the groin and left the room .Both winced in pain

Soobin finally got up " I thougth you were making love why was she trying to kill you " soobin gave his hands to yeonjun to get up . " Everyone wants to kill me , you also want to kill me that's why you are no fit to be a bodyguard to me " he got up by himself

Both left the event arguing with each other who was the problem , But soobin became quiet he wasn't doing his job it is his fault maybe what yeonjun was true after all


Soobin just escaped from Hyuka as he trying to dye soobin hair color pink , He rather get scolding from yeojun rather than dealing with hyuka's atrocities

He quickly pulled out a cigarette and started smoking it by the fountain he saw a kid sniffing some white powder he realized it was drugs " Drugs were prohibited in the Choi family " He politely asked the kid his details and what he was doing " Knock it off fucker " the kid tried to keep distance from soobin

But soobin got closer and closer so the kid raised his hands and tried to attack soobin which was pure waste as soobin knocked him and throwed him in the fountain the kid hit his head against the marble and was bleeding

" When we are talking why raise hands kiddo " he took out an another joint , The kid shouted and within a few sec his bulk bodyguard appeared

They hit soobin hard with a bat , his head was bleeding from the back he was dragged to the living room soobin was still conscious . In the living room The Park and Choi family was talking about weapons and business matters

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