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Ingrid's POV


"No can do" Tyler said holding up my phone


"What happened?" My dad said running up the stairs

"Tyler won't give me my phone" I whine.

"Tyler" he said "give her the phone"

"But she was texting her boyfriend" Tyler said with a smirk.

"Boyfriend?" My dad said crossing his arms over his chest his Irish accent getting heavier.

"I don't have a boyfriend" I defend.

"Yeah you do!" Tyler said "Infact his name is-"


"What's his name?" My dad asked his arms still over his chest.

"Drake" Tyler said.

"Drake" My dad said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" Tyler said.

"Tyler!" I whisper/yell

"So boyfriend?" Dad asked again

"He helps me with maths class" I say "nothing more nothing less".

"Yeah but what about-" Tyler started but I cut him off.

"But what about you're girlfriend?" I said with a smirk.

"Girlfriend?" My dad asked after he stopped laughing.

"I don't have a girlfriend" Tyler said blushing.

"Oh really" I say "what about-"


"Kids" my dad says "calm down"

"I'm calm" I say "but Tyler needs to work on his temper"

"Ok, Ingrid doesn't have a boyfriend and she won't till she's thirty and Tyler doesn't have a girlfriend but likes somebody"

"I don't like anybody!" Tyler says holding his hands up in surrender.

"Oh really?" I say wiggling my eyebrows "what about Kenzie?"

Tyler started blushing at me mentioning her name.

"Who's this Kenzie?" My dad asked a devilish smirk on his face.


"Tyler's in loooove" I teased

"Shut up!" Tyler says

"Ok kiddos" my dad said with a slight chuckle "I think dinners ready"

"Oh" I say "I have dinner plans with Alison"

"Ok" my dad said "what about you Tyler?"

"Nope" Tyler states "I love mums fried chicken'

"You and I both" dad stated

"Ok I'm going now" I say before kissing my dad on the cheek.

"BYE MOM" I shouted grabbing my car keys

"Bye Ingrid" she said "be back by ten!"

"Ok bye" I say before going out the door.

I drive to Alison's house knowing the drill.

She's grounded so all I have to do is text her and wait for her to climb out of her window.

To aliboo: hey I'm out side ;)

From aliboo: one sec be right out

To aliboo: ok babe!

I waited a couple minutes before seeing Ali come out wearing dark blue jeans, a red shirt, red vans and a white beanie to top off the outfit.

"Hey" Alison said getting in my car

"So" I say "what are you grounded for this time?"

"Smoking and drinking"

"WHAT?" I say a loudly but not loud enough for anyone to hear

"Yeah" she says with a smirk "Caleb was a lot more understanding"

"That's good Babe!"

"He doesn't like me doing that stuff" she says "I thought he would be mad"

"He would never be mad at you" I say

"Yeah" she says "I hope so"

We drove towards in and out burger listening to our dads old songs on the way there.

Once we got there we ordered and then sat and ate taking pictures for instagram.

"Shoot!" Alison says when we get to her house.

"What?" I ask

"My dads on the doorstep"

"I'll drive around back" I say before circling around to where she could get to her back door.

"Bye Ingrid"

"Bye Ali" I say before driving back to my house.

"IM HOME" I say walking in to my house.

"Oh hey" Tyler said from the couch

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask

"I don't know" he said looking up from his phone

"Oh" I say "well that's cool"

"Yeah" he says "I guess"


"Ok" he says "what movie?"


"Fine by me"

After the avengers Tyler sell asleep typical Tyler.

"Tyler" I said poking him "Tyler Aaron Horan"


"Wake up" I say putting my hand on his cheek

"Weirdo" he mumbled before getting up off the couch and up the stairs.

Once I got to my room I changed into pajamas and put my hair in a bun.

I climbed into bed grabbing my phone.

I checked instagram twitter tumblr and Facebook.

Before going into a deep sleep.

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