Chapter 14

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Lying while staring at the ceiling, Michelle didn't know how to invite Anntonia out. She is having a hard time finding a way to get close to the girl because she is not used to being the first to talk to people. She imagines how she will do the first step of her conversation with Antonia.
"How to talk to her first?" she said while lying down and biting her nail like a child. "How is it possible for other people to communicate easily?"
After a while she heard her doorbell ring. Michelle forced herself to get up to open her door and was surprised to see the person there.
"Hi, are you busy today?" Antonia asked
"Hi, Umm. I was actually thinking about inviting you to go outside? But I didn't know how to ask you" Michelle said while holding her nape indicating that she's shy
"Oh! is that so? still having a hard time adjusting?" she asks warmly
"Kinda" she said shyly
The cold and hard person inside Michelle is slowly fading away. She is trying her best to be gentle around Anntonia because for her, Anntonia is someone she wanted to protect.
"I would like to invite you to eat lunch outside if that's okay with you?"
"I mean, That's exactly what I was going to tell you because you just got ahead of me" There is still a trace of shame on his face
"So, are we going? Anntonia asked
"Like, Right now?" unsure
"Yes, but if you have something else to do I can wait" he said with a smile
"N-no. Can you please come in for a minute? I just need to prepare."
Antonia didn't waste any more time and entered as if she was no longer shy of Michelle. Then Michelle went into the bathroom to fix herself. 

Anntonia feels that michelle is really restless.Because she knows that Michelle is not good at talking or making friends. She regrets that she did not find out what happened before leaving the Philippines. Antonia regrets that she didn't approach the girl she's loved for a long time, she let anger and sadness swallow her.
So she is ready to face and get to know the Handsome girl in front of her.
"Why did you cut your hair Michelle?" She ask while eating her lunch
"I-i u-uhm. Well, um." she didn't know what to say
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it" she smiled
"N-no. I-i j-just think you would find it weird if I tell you the reason behind it"  she's holding her nape again with her left hand because shes using her right hand for eating
"Hey, I'm not gonna judge you okay?" Anntonia reassured her
"Well, um, the reason behind it is because when your mom died." she lowered her head down
Anntonia held her hand on top of the table
"Why is that? " looking really concerned
"Because when the accident happened my hair was down and I wasn't wearing a helmet at that time. My hair was all over the place and I was a bit drunk. Maybe I thought I was the cause of your mom's death. That's why I cut my hair like this," She finished her sentence while looking straight into Anntonia's eyes
"Oh gosh." Suddenly, Antonia stood up from her seat and hugged Michelle "I'm sorry if you went through all that."
"It was my choice then, maybe to punish myself because I did something wrong. And I also broke the rules so I deserve it." she smiled a little
"Do you want to maintain your hair like this? "   she broke the hug Ang go back to her seat
"I'm planning to grow it too because I miss my long hair."
"Are you sure? For me it's okay, you look fine" while sipping her wine
"Fine?" Michelle ask innocently
Annyonia suddenly blew her wine when she realized what she said.
"N-no, I mean you look really good with your style now" she clears her throat
"Okay?" Michelle said plainly
"Oh gosh" She couldn't believe that the cold person in front of her was innocent of such things
"Are you okay?" Michelle asked in surprise
"Yes, I'm totally fine" Anntonia could only sigh and finished her lunch
Michelle gave her a tissue and continue eating

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