Fooled Once by a Miracle

40 5 3

27th august 1999

Moulded, sculpted she formed; first her head, her beautiful lash filled eyes, her sweet bow of a pout, her petite nose... Next her torso, the perfectly chubby tummy, her well placed belly button... Followed by her arms, the miniature fingers, her soft palms... Finally her legs, built strong to hold herself tall, her twinkling toes sized in just the magical ratio.

But this was not the work of bare head, instead the work of fraying wings.

5th September 1999

The supposed to be new born mother weeped, clawed at her own hair, distraught. Her second born, lay still in the mid-wives arms. What would she say to her two year old daughter, how could she explain that the little sister they had been waiting for had suddenly passed, so suddenly... Too suddenly...

Waiting for her, the pain all of it she had gone through, just for more pain.

"I'm so sorry." The mid-wife said monotone, barely able to look at the tiny body she held as she left the room, it was so rare to happen yet so painful.

The woman could think of nothing to say, she wanted to blame the nurse but it was no ones fault, just an awful complication. Her tears mixed with the sweat on her forehead, she wanted to forget the whole pregnancy, she wanted her two year old daughter to forget it so she wouldn't have to... Tell her. Most of all she wanted to go home.

Tired the mid-wife placed the baby onto the table, it felt strange leaving something so small unattended. Turning she searched for the paperwork, her hands shook as she found the right paper and went to examine the body.

Echoing around her was suddenly the voice of someone screaming, it was her voice, she was the one screaming. The body. The baby was moving its legs were kicking. She scooped the miracle into her arms, eyebrows raised she examined the child, the child was suddenly clean, suddenly breathing.

Amazed and confused she wrapped up the child and took her back to her mother. The mid-wife couldn't understand it, was she really feeling that tired to mistake a child's death? No, surely not?

The miracle baby squealed as soon as she was placed in her mothers arms, and a new type of tear escaped her eyes.

24th march 2013

The 13 year old girl lay on her bed, eyes tightly shut as she tried to let sleep take her. Since she had remembered she had always found trouble sleeping no matter how tired she was. Flapping, every night she could hear the flapping, as if there was an animal inside of the attic.

Giving in she opened her eyes and got up out of bed, a bright light was radiating through her bedroom net curtains. Peering up she gasped, a silhouette laid against her curtain, a black winged creature; wings which were fraying like an old dress and bones that stuck out at all angles.

Stupid bird, a bird had flown into her wind and had somehow stuck against it. Opening her curtain warily she stared at the bird which had splattered itself against her window, it twitched almost turning its head to look at her.

Like a person trying to gain a crowds attention the bird snapped its head and began pecking at the window. Squealing she ran from her room, only to find her older sister with eyes so wide she looked as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Alyss? Did you just see--" Her sister began.

BANG! Both of the girls swung around to face the hall window, another black fraying bird lay sprawled against the window. The same one?

Their mother flew out of her room tying her dressing gown around herself as pale as a ghost.

"Are you okay girls?" She gulped.

"Yeah." They mumbled in sync.

BANG! SMASH! A bird crashed into the wall next to them, it had broken through a window.

The three of them dashed downstairs and out of the house terrified of being trapped in the house with the zombie looking birds.

Shocked they stood glaring up to the night sky filled with squawking birds, their straw-like bodies veiling the sky hiding the moon.

Their beady eyes glared down at them, all seemingly turning to face Alyss, the youngest child. "Mum!"

SWOOP! The birds darted down from the sky and grabbed Alyss off the ground. Before the mother blinked she was gone, the birds still lingered but her miracle child was gone.

A high pitched noise polluted the air, they could just about make out the words. "She's our clay baby." With a sneer and a soft lullaby sounded in their ears, the one she had sung over and over to the miracle baby. "...when the wind blows the cradle will. DROP."

The birds vanished, all traces gone except the broken windows and the black fraying feathers.


Authors notes:

Thanks for reading, fan, comment, vote yada yada you know the drill :)

Dedicated to my little sister of whom I had this idea from, the best sister in the world! You rock Amy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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