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The door slides open and jisung swings his head to the direction of the entry way to the balcony. He sees a guy making his way in.

Jisung got what he didn't want; a company. As it hits the stranger of the other's presence, he flinchs back like a scared cat. "Shit- you scared me" the newly entered guy mutters the words out as he eyes jisung from up to down.

Jisung feeling shy around the new company's eyes on him, he turns his head back facing the railings. He fidgets with his rings on his fingers, almost dropping the drink he has on his hold.

"I don't think I know you, what are you doing here?" The stranger asks taking steps towards the railings as he take a hold of the railing before him, just like jisung.

"You probably don't know most of the people here- nevermind" jisung says, stopping himself from speaking his mind. He feels a little embarrassed about words leaving his mouth without needing to.

The other for some reason laughs at the given reply which for some reason sounded so attractive to jisung. He thinks he might be loosing it cause of the alcohol he intook. No way he's attracted to a stranger's laugh. There is absolutely no way.

"You're right, I don't know these people" the stranger says as he let's another annoying laugh, leaving jisung confused. Jisung being an overthinker that he is, he comes to a conclusion that this guy is probably drunk.

"Answer my question, what are you doing here?" The other questions again.

"Nothing, just missing out on the fun that's happening inside i guess" jisung replies, with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh really? Just came from there and i don't know if I can agree with you" the stranger replies.

"That was sarcastic, I don't know if you picked up that-" jisung says, wanting to be clear.

"I did" "so not a party person?" The other is quick to answering and shooting another question.

"Yeah, just drank this shit and guess what? it taste like shit too" jisung says, lifting up the red solo cup as the other laughs with a hint of suprise showcased on his face from jisung's response.

Jisung feels himself getting just more confused to what's so funny to the other. He laughs too much and jisung doesn't like getting laughed at."You just need to get used to drinking and trust me it will taste fine then" the other replies.

"Don't want to get used to drinking shit okay?" Jisung says with a raging voice but mood swifting the next second "sorry, didn't mean to yell at you-" jisung talks again.

"That's fine, I get you. I don't like drinking either, even though I have drank so much" the stranger says with an unreadable expression which seems to be what displays on him a lot. Even if this guy laughs a lot, he's expression stays confusing. That's why jisung feel like he's getting laughed at.

"So you'll get used to it was a lie?" Jisung asks, shocked from knowing this guy who told him to get used to does not like to drink but still drinks.

That makes no sense.

"I guess I lied. By the way, I don't know if you want to know but I'm Lee Minho" the newly introduced stranger says.


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