Chapter 8/(Happy first birthday, Violet!

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(Hey guys hope you enjoyed the story so far! I'm so grateful for you all! Also, the art above from the last chapter and this chapter is mine! I drew it! <3 Inspo: OpefuLee!) (ALSO, YES VIOLET CALLS HER PARENTS MOMMY AND DADDY! WE ALL DID AT ONE POINT, I'M LOOKING AT YOU BAD-THINKERS!!)

Time skip: One year later (Violet's birthday)

I looked around Troll Village as it was decorated with streamers and party supplies. Today was a very special day. It was Violet's first birthday, celebrating her first year of age. Poppy and I were excited for her, we wanted her to be happy. But we weren't the only ones excited, the whole village was! Excitement seemed to stir between the murmurs going around. I was excited but it was slowly simmering away when I circled the village multiple times in search for Violet. I haven't yet searched in the bunker, so I went there.
I pushed open Violet's room door, revealing nothing but an empty bedroom. Violet wasn't here. I sighed, walking through the hall. I stopped when I heard crying from the bathroom. ''Violet?'' I said, ''Are you in there?''
I heard a soft sniffle, ''Y-yeah...''
I opened the door and saw Violet curled up, crying. ''Oh, sweetie...'' I said and placed a hand on her cheek, she ducked her head and cried more. ''Daddy, I- I don't want to go out there for my birthday...'' she sniffled.
''Sweetie, are you nervous?''
''Aw, it's okay... you don't have to be scared.'' I reassured her, I picked her up and laid her on my lap as I sat down on the floor. ''Mommy and I will stay with you, you don't have to worry. Okay?''
''Okay,'' she nodded and smiled, ''Are you forgetting something, daddy?''
''Heh, no, happy birthday princess.''
''Thanks, daddy. I love you.''
''Me too, darling.'' I said, kissing her forehead. ''Aww... that's so cute, Branch. You're a good dad.''
I looked at the door and realized Poppy was standing there, hands on her hips. ''Oh, shut it. Come here.'' I pulled her close and kissed her cheek. ''You're the whole package, babe,'' Poppy said ''you're a good husband and a good dad.''
''Oh, yes, I'm very good.'' I said sarcastically. Poppy chuckled, ''I know you are.''
''Alright, let's get the birthday princess out there.'' I said, picking Violet up. ''Daddy, will uncles and auntie come today?''
''Tsk, I doubt that sweetie. They didn't come to our wedding, or when you were born, or last year for at least a visit. We were the ones who had to visit. So I doubt they'll come today, sorry, sweetie.''
''Aw, I wanted them to at least come today...'' she said sadly. ''Oh, you don't know, Branch. Maybe Viva or Floyd'll come.'' Poppy said. ''Well, you can't tell with Viva. Now that she and Clay are engaged she might not come without him.''
''Well, why can't she come with him, eh? Eh?''
''Ha! I'd like to see that happen.'' I joked and held the trap door open for Poppy to crawl out of. ''Thank you,''
''Of course. Anyway, if any of them come, that will be the day.''
''Okay, you owe me 10 dozens of cupcakes if they come.''
''Hm, 10? How 'bout 4 dozens?''
''Okay, deal?''
''Deal,'' I said and shook Poppy's hand. I crawled out next and Poppy took Violet, setting her down and holding her hand while they walked. I closed the trap door and walked after them to the village.
When we got there, I saw something that made me freeze in place. John Dory was decorating and (Sp) Bruce was holding the ladder. My jaw dropped when I saw them. Shoot.
I pushed Poppy in a direction I thought no one was in but without looking, we bumped into someone. ''Hola! Hermanita! I was wondering where you were!''
''Oh, Viva! You're here!!!'' she squealed and held hands with her sister, casting a ''you-know-I-won'' glance back at me. I smiled awkwardly and hung my head in defeat. I grabbed Violet's hand to lead her somewhere quiet while Poppy caught up with her sister. ''Come on sweetie, let's find somew-''
I felt myself bump into someone.
What is with me bumping into people today?
''Hey! Look who I found!''
Suddenly, I realized who it was.
''John Dory!'' I said, pretending to be surprised, ''Hey,''
I bent over, sad I would have to get cupcakes. And 4 dozens! They were getting expensive already! ''I should have never made that deal...'' I muttered. ''What was that?'' John Dory asked.
''Huh? Oh nothing!'' I said, just realizing I had said it out loud. ''Yay! Aunt Viva and Uncle John are here!!! You were wrong, daddy.'' Violet said, ''Don't ya have to pay mommy now?''
I had my palm on my face, ''Yes, sweetie, I see that now...''
''Pay what? What are you talking about?''
''Oh, nothing just-''
''Daddy said to mommy he bets none of you guys were gonna come, so mommy said,'Okay, you owe me cupcakes if they do' then daddy was like, 'Okay, bet' and they shook hands and did those deal-y thingies people do.''
I sighed, ''Violet, you are definitely your mom's daughter sometimes.''
She smiled but it then faded into confusion, ''Wait, am I not already mommy's daughter?''
I shook my head in disbelief, ''You don't get it, honey. Anyway, I think I'll go buy cupcakes now. Let's go Violet.'' I started walking in the other direction but John, of course, interrupted me. ''Wait, bro, we just got here. Let's spend time together!''
''If you wanted to do that you would've come visit before.'' I snapped and kept walking. ''Woah, hey, Branch, that's not fair. I did come last year, early. You weren't there though.''
''Aw, yeah, you came when we were at our honeymoon.'' I said sarcastically, ''Which you would've known if you came to our wedding. Hm?'' I rolled my eyes, ''I'm done with this conversation.'' I took Violet's hand harder in anger and walked without looking back.
I picked up the four boxes of cupcakes and handed one to Violet. ''Carry this,'' I said and walked to the check-out line. Violet almost tripped so I supported her with my leg as my hands were busy. ''Thanks, daddy.''
''Of course sweetie.'' I said and gave her a small smile. ''Daddy, why were you so mad at Uncle?''
I sighed, ''You don't need to worry about that, Violet. It's grown-up stuff.''
I paid for the cupcakes and left the store, heading to the bunker.
Once we were inside, I stacked the boxes and left them like that. I didn't feel like going out there and facingy brothers, the ones I had snapped at. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. ''Daddy, are you okay?''
''Yes hun, I'm fine.''
''Okay, daddy.''
''I'm tired do I'm going to my room, stay here.'' I ordered and trudged into the room. I got on the bed and curled up there. Tears poured from my eyes and I sniffled. I didn't want to go out there again. Why did I have to be fighting with my brothers but Poppy could get right on with her sister. She even got close to my brothers. I stuffed my head in my hands and cried more, I stashed my face into the pillow. I hated crying, it made me feel like there was nothing I could do about the things I felt. When Poppy cried I was there to comort her. But when I cried, it was in secret. Or when I was too upset I cried on the spot. It was uncomfortable to cry in front of others who weren't people I felt close to. I tried to calm myself but the tears just kept falling. I sighed and curled my arms around the pillow. The elevator clanked outside. I thought it was Violet but I heard her humming out the door. ''Hm.'' I said and didn't think more about it.
I heard the door open and Poppy said quietly, ''Hey,''
I sniffled, ''Hey, sorry- you've, umm, never seen me like this...''
''Yes I have, honey. I've seen you like this last year, in this very house, on this very day.''
''Yeah, but that was spiraling panic choking me.''
''Because of me, I'm sorry.''
''No it's not your fault this time, though.''
''Is it your brothers?''
I nodded, buried my head into the pillow, and cried more. ''I- I- I'm s-sorry, h-o-honey...'' I stammered, the crying making me stutter if I tried to talk. ''It's okay, baby. I'm here. Heh, I sound like you.'' she rubbed my back and laid next to me. I sniffled, ''I d-don't th-think I've c-cried this m-much before...''
She smiled, ''It's okay, you don't have to worry 'bout that now.''
I turned my head to look at her, she kissed my forehead and I realized tears had stopped falling. Poppy placed a hand on my cheek. ''Why are you like this, hm?''
''I think it's 'cause of my brothers...'' I said, my voice trailed off. ''They, uhm- I just, I think that y-you get along with everyone so well. But I have to be the one everyone hates because I have to be fighting someone all the time...''
''Is that why you're here?''
''Aw, honey, I never knew that you felt like that. Is it about how they're here now?''
''Yeah, I got mad at John Dory and snapped at him, I'm sorry.''
''Don't be, it's fine. Let's get you cleaned up, 'kay?''
She grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom to wash my teary face. After, we stepped out of the room. Violet got up and hugged me, ''Daddy!''
''Hey V, sorry I left you.''
''It's okay, daddy. I'm glad you're here now.''
''So,'' I began, ''are you ready for your party? Wanna eat cake and open presents?''
''Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!'' Violet yelled excitedly. She's just like her mom. I smiled, ''Let's go then.''
We walked out to the elevator and out the trap door. I took a deep breath and we hummed and sang to the big mushroom in the middle of the village. ''Alright, Trolls!'' Poppy's voice rang and reverberateted off the trees. ''Today, on April 6th, last year. Was Princess Violet's birth. And today on the same date is her birthday, let's hear it! Happy birthday Princess Violet!!!''
The rest of the village cheered her name. I looked over at her and she hid a little behind me. ''Hey, you okay sweetie?''
''I'm just a little scared...''
''Aw,'' I picked her up and held her up a little. Flashbacks flew through my head to last year, me holding the little newborn princess up to the village to admire.

(My art! Inspo: OpefuLee)

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(My art! Inspo: OpefuLee)

I smiled and held towards my shoulder. ''I love you daddy.''
''Me too Violet, happy birthday darling.''
We ate cake, I only ate a slice, I couldn't count how many Poppy ate. We brought the many presents home instead of opening them at the village. I couldn't see any of my brothers at the party because of the blazing sun. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. ''You okay?''
''Mm... I don't know, Poppy.'' I said, ''I wanted to find my brothers to apologize but I couldn't.''
''Well, I said goodnight to Violet, you should too. Then we'll talk.''
''Okay,'' I said and got up to Violet's room. I opened the door and smiled at her. ''Hi daddy.'' she said. ''Hi sweetie, ready for bed?''
''That's good, did you have fun today?''
''Yes! It was the best, thanks daddy.''
''Of course sweetie.'' I leaned in and kissed her forehead goodnight. ''Goodnight daddy. See you tomorrow.''
''You too Violet, bye.''
I shut the door softly and walked to Poppy and I's room. She sighed, ''You ready to talk?''
''I suppose there's nothing else to do, so, yes.''
''Okay, well, I think they could be in the village still. And I think you should talk to them at least tomorrow. Okay?''
''Okay... I guess I can.''
''Good, that's all I need to hear.''
I chuckled and kissed her.
''Is that what you need to hear?'' I said and touched her cheek.
''Mhm, I was wondering when you'd kiss me today.''
''Well, now you know.''
''Yeah, I do.''

(Oh my lordy lord, this is my longest chapter so far. It's crazy! Thanks for the support and love you guys I love y'all! Thanks baii!!)

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