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'So did you confirm if there any way you can get away from the team at all? Matilda is getting used to her French toast Sundays', Taylor asks her boyfriend, smiling, phone propped on the kitchen island, as she feeds the baby her dinner before getting ready to head out.

'I was just going to say, baby, I could see you tomorrow morning? It's a night game so we have a few free hours, and we don't have to be back at the hotel until the afternoon'.

'Hear that, Tilly? Trav is coming to see you tomorrow', she sings, tickling under the baby's chin, making her smile.

'I can't wait, T. Are you excited for dinner tonight?'

'Yeah I'm really looking forward to it. Britt has been so lovely this last week, keeping in touch, so it only seemed right. Blake is excited too'.

Taylor laughs as she continues to chat to Travis, interrupted only by the arrival of Hannah, here to look after Matilda while Taylor was out. 'Got to go Trav, Hannah is here and we'll be leaving any sec. Love you'.

He blows her a kiss, asking for a picture of her final outfit, before bidding her goodbye. Blake walks into her kitchen then, finding her blushing at her phone.

'Well he's got you giggling like a schoolgirl over your phone, so he's already on my good side', Blake declares, snapping Taylor back into reality.

Taylor rolls her eyes at her friend, playfully pushing her arm, before turning back to Matilda. 'Come on Tilly, Hannah's here for you and mommy has to get ready'.

She leaves Blake downstairs, passing off Tilly to Hannah upstairs in the nursery, and appears back downstairs a short while later, having already snapped a selfie to send to Travis.

They head out to the car and arrive at the restaurant, just shortly before the arrival of Brittany, Lyndsey Bell and a couple of other KC WAGs who Taylor had been introduced to last week.

'Hey Britt. How have you been?', she greets her as she walks in, hugging her in greeting. Brittany takes the free seat beside her, and Taylor loves how the two friendship groups appear to be merging so well already, laughter flowing freely.

When she returns home later, Matilda has already been asleep for hours, Hannah happily saying goodnight upon Taylor's return. Taylor finds herself a little tipsy, giggling as she struggles to remove her high-heeled sandals, when her phone rings.

'Travyyyy', she hiccups out, shushing herself when she realises how loudly she'd spoken.

'You have a good night, baby?', Travis laughs, amusement dancing in his eyes as he watches her collapse onto her bed.

'It was the best, Trav. We had so much fun. I missed you, though', she pouts, Travis laughing.

He eventually manages to convince her to wash her make up off, promising to be with her bright and early in the morning, Taylor blowing kisses into the phone as a goodbye.

She wakes early - too early - in the morning, groaning as she realises she had forgotten to pull her curtains, the early morning light, and the cosmopolitans she drank last night, making her head spin.

She lies a little longer with her arm over her face until reality comes back to bite her, Matilda calling for her from her crib. Taylor rolls out of bed, grabbing Travis' hoodie she had snaffled from him last week and pulling it over her head, the smell of him still clinging to the fabric, making her smile.

'It's okay baby, mommy's here. Good morning, sweetheart', she greets Matilda, the little girl sobbing in her crib, curling into Taylor's arms when she's picked up.

Taylor changes her diaper and gives her a quick feed before they head downstairs, laughing at her previous self as she sees her shoes and bag scattered across the living room floor from where she had abandoned them last night.

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