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'Trav, what do you think of me bringing Tilly to the game tomorrow?'

Travis stops, his mug abandoned under the coffee maker, and turns around slowly, observing Taylor feeding Matilda at the kitchen table, sipping her own coffee with her free hand.

She says it conversationally, casually, like she doesn't know the impact the words would have on him. But when she looks at him, her smirk gives her away, and it soon turns into a beaming smile.

'Are you kidding, Tay? That would make me so happy. Honestly, you couldn't have said anything better'.

He crosses the kitchen to get to her, bending down to give her a kiss and ruffle Matilda's hair, disturbing her. 'Hey little miss, don't get distracted. Trav, don't encourage her! And, can you get me more coffee?', she gently chastises them both.

He duly fills up her cup, bringing over her breakfast, too, and they eat all together, Matilda now in her high chair pressing toast between her fingers, laughing at Travis' funny faces.

'So, I take it the answer to my question is a yes?', Taylor teases, smiling at the pair of them.

'Oh it's a big fat yes, isn't that right, Tilly? You want to come see some football, don't you?', Travis answers while still sticking his tongue out at Matilda, making her giggle.

That afternoon, they head over to Brittany and Patrick's, Taylor introducing Matilda to them for the first time, and luckily she gets along well with Sterling and Bronze, who they'll be sitting with for tomorrow's game against the Chargers.

The day passes quickly and before they know it Matilda is in her pyjamas and Travis is getting ready to leave for the hotel, carrying the baby and his bag downstairs to Taylor.

'Say bye bye to Travis now, sweetie, you'll see him in the morning', Taylor instructs her daughter, hands out to take her, but is met instead with Matilda's head turning the other way, her hand gripping the fabric of Travis' sweater.

Taylor tries again, eventually lifting her against her will (and if he was willing to admit, against Travis' too), and she starts to sob, hands reaching out for Travis to take her again.

'Bye baby', Travis leans down to plant a kiss on Taylor, before kissing Matilda's head. 'Bye girly. I'll be back before you know it. Love you both'.

He acted cool, but Taylor knew Matilda's sobs and muffled cries of 'Dada' as he walked out the front door had affected him, his goodbye much shorter than normal. She tells him so - that she can see right through his tough guy act - when he calls later that night from the hotel, just before curfew.

He sheepishly laughs back at her, caught out. 'I mean how can those little eyes looking at you not make you emotional. She was crying for me, Taylor. That's the first time that's ever happened'.

It clicks with her, and Taylor stops laughing at him, her face softening into a smile. 'I know baby. It's weird, right? You know she's crying but a little part of you is delighted she wants you so much'.

'Exactly. I've never had that before, T. I love her, so much. And you too, of course'.

Taylor laughs, rolling her eyes at him. 'Don't worry, I'm now well aware of my standing in the pecking order'.

'Aw c'mon now, you know you're my best girl', he sweet talks her, making her shyly giggle, covering her face.

They say good night, and in the morning Taylor wakes before Matilda, heading downstairs to prepare Travis' traditional pre-game French toast. It's all prepped and ready and the house is still quiet, so she decides to surprise him with some cinnamon rolls too, just pulling them out of the oven as he walks into the kitchen.

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