high school ideas

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      Freshman year was exciting,but also very nerveraking for me. Although I had the same friends from middle school, it felt different. Maybe because it was high school and we had a lot more freedom but in any case it was different for sure. I started exploring my interests with filmmaking even more. I was taking some classes that had similar values to the world of film production.  

As the year grew past I began to make some more plans for a youtube series with some friends. At the time my youtube channel was called the lancerooni or the actual name was action bro films not studios yet because I wasn't planning to bring that to life yet. I had the idea to make it a career choice later after college but that's all it was just an idea for that time. It wasn’t until junior or senior year I started looking at the bigger picture of my channel which would later be called action bro studios.

As high school started to progress , it wasn't until sophomore year when I started to really be invested in a new fan film series. This new fan made series would be known as spiderman and would later go through several name changes. We began to work on the story and plot and we also casted the roles. Ultimately it has yet to be made as of writing this. Life got in the way and school work started to stress me out so I decided to put effort into that. Throughout high school I learned that I can always just talk about making films. I actually have to make them and put effort into them as well.

Things started to get better, the bullying, the homework, the stress, over all my freetime was being more flexible. My youtube channel started growing in subscribers the more I posted about films I was making. I was making vlogs and things i wanted to do with my life in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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