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"CT-4677." She said coolly, craning her neck to get a better look at her subject.

The Kaminoan scientist, one Kina-Tal, looked over the young clone before her, her face expressionless as her long fingers curled around a datapad.

"You have been selected for a special training program." She informed the clone. "You will be trained as a combat medic for your squad."

The Clone, who stood at perfect attention before her, couldn't help but give a soft sigh. It was a sigh of relief, Kina-Tal thought, though why she was unsure. CT-4677 had passed all combat simulations he and his squad had been put through with flying colors. That, and he was by far the most level headed in the combat simulations, other than perhaps his squadmate CT-4681.

"Your training will begin tomorrow. Here is your new barracks assignment." She then said calmly, passing the young clone a data pad. "And I will be overseeing your training, along with Alpha-29."

The Clone took the datapad and looked over it, his brow furrowing. He then looked back up to her.

"That means... I won't be with my squad anymore..?" He asked sheepishly.

"You will return to your squad when your training is complete." Kina-Tal answered, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You will be training alongside others that are to become medics, as well."

CT-4677 looked back down to the datapad, his eyes scanning the barrack number and the four other numbers assigned to them, an expression of apprehension on his face. Kina-Tal couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young boy- she understood what he was feeling all too well.

"You have the chance to say goodbye to your brothers. You are expected to report to your new barracks by oh-ninehundred tomorrow." She then comforted, craning her neck down and bending slightly to look the young clone in the eye.

He met her gaze for a moment, then looked away, nodding.

"Thank you, Miss Kina-Tal." He said softly.

And with that, the clone left for his barracks.

"Seventy Seven!!" A voice shouted- that of CT-4682, better known to all of them as "Bait".

Bait practically tackled the returning member of their squad in a hug.

"How was your super secret meeting? " He asked excitedly.

Soon enough, a few other heads started to poke out from their beds in interest. The rest of his squad- CT-4681 "Hook", CT-4678 "Line", CT-4682 "Sinker", and CT-4680 "Reel". And, of course, the aforementioned Bait.

"Yeah! How was Miss Kina-Tal?" asked Hook.

Reel, who had been asleep prior to the commotion, yawned and stretched. "You left?"

CT-4677 sighed, shrugging. "It was fine, I guess." He muttered, hiding the datapad behind his back.

Line seemed to be the one to notice first that something was wrong. He approached and pushed the excitable Bait away gently.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

CT-4677 sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm being moved to different barracks." He said simply, ripping off the bacta patch. "I'm gonna be a medic."

The boys all grew quiet, looking between one another. Even Reel seemed to snap to attention.

"I have to train with the others... it's my last night here..." He added, shrinking into himself a bit. He hated how the tears welled in his eyes as he spoke, and how his heart clenched at the thought of leaving his brothers. He was a soldier- soldiers weren't supposed to cry. Crying was for babies...

But it was Line enveloping him into a hug that caused the tears to finally fall. CT-4677 wrapped his arms around Line and shook with grief as he sobbed. Soon enough, the rest of his squad joined into the hug. He could feel his brothers surrounding him- holding him close.

"We're traat'aliit . Even when you're not with us." Promised Hook, who ruffled up CT-4677's hair a bit as the group hug broke. "No matter what, you're always Fisher Squad."

"Yeah! And, I mean, you gotta come back!" Said Sinker. "We still gotta figure out your name!"

At that, CT-4677 gave a soft chuckle as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve. He smiled as he thought about it.

"Medics train for a long time, but I get to come back when I'm done. When I get back, I'm gonna keep all of you safe!" He then promised, a renewed vigor in him.

"Hell yeah! Best medic ever!" Bait encouraged, his ever present smile even larger than before.

Line stayed next to him, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"We'll be waiting for you." Line said.

That night, the boys slept soundly. CT-4677 understood now that, no matter what, his squad was his squad. His family. They were his vode. And nothing was going to change that


Mando'a Translations:

Traat'aliit : Team, Squad

Vode: Siblings (within the context, "Brothers")


Author's Notes:

Chapter One! Let's get into it~ Be prepared for a lot more Mando'a <33

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