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Fisher Squad stood at perfect attention, awaiting the arrival of their general. Tackle Box stood with Hook to his left, proudly displaying the medic symbols on both pauldrons as he carried his DC-15A Carbine by the butt, letting it lean on his shoulder- as was the standard for being at attention with such a weapon.

They had been assigned to the 437th- a relief aid battalion underneath the Jedi General Caine Forge. None of them had ever heard of him before. Even after Hook had been so bold as to question General Shaak-Ti about the matter, the information that she gave was rather sparse.

"He had been on the battle of Geonosis" was pretty much all that Hook had been told. He'd been there- at the start of the war. It made Tackle Box wonder what he might have seen.

But as the Jedi Cruiser docked at the landing platform, the entire Battalion grew silent.

As the hangar of the Cruiser opened, out stepped two men, one in Jedi robes and the other in Commander's armor decorated in a vibrant green.

The Jedi was tall, but with the low light of the outdoor landing platform, it was difficult to see much else. What could be seen was that he wore standard Jedi robes, but he had the bracers and pauldrons of clone armor, with his left proudly sporting the symbol of the Jedi Order.

"ATTENTION!" Shouted the Commander to his left.

With that, every man stomped in unison.

"Welcome aboard the Prosperity." The Commander informed, motioning to the Cruiser. "I am CC-2129, but you will call me Commander Quartz, or you will call me Sir. Is that understood?"

"SIR, YES SIR!" The battalion confirmed in unison, almost in a harmonious chorus.

"And I am to be your General, Jedi Master Caine Forge. It is an honor to be working alongside you men." The General then said, offering a bow.

At that, Tackle Box couldn't help but be confused... Was everyone supposed to salute? Or...?

It didn't seem to matter, as the General soon continued.

"We have been called to protect the capital city of Randor, which has fallen under Separatist attack, and we will be arriving in fifteen hours' time, should everything go to plan." The General explained. "Echo Squad, Fisher Squad, Shepherd Squad and Tinker Squad, meet me on the bridge as soon as we make the hyperspace jump." He ordered.

The four respective squads gave a salute and the General then returned to the Cruiser, where the Commander took charge in organizing each Squad onto the ship.

"D'ya hear that? The General wanted us!" Whispered Bait as Fisher Squad formed up to board the starship.

"Cut the chatter- you don't wanna get called out by that mean bastard, do you?" Line hissed, motioning to the approaching Commander Quartz.

Commander Quartz, now that he was closer and Tackle Box had the chance to get a good look at him, definitely fit the description of a "mean bastard". Even with his helmet on, his barking of orders and strict posture reminded Tackle Box of Tihaar.

"Maker, even his paint job looks regulation- ow."

"Ne'johaa." Hook finally snarled, quickly jabbing Reel- the jokester- in the side.

"Fisher Squad! You're in barracks 06-15. Drop off your gear and report to the bridge immediately." The Commander ordered, glancing up from his data-pad. "You'll get your mission assignment there. Dismissed!"

And with that, Fisher Squad boarded the cruiser.

As soon as they were out of sight of the Commander, they relaxed slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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