*Requested* Sparked~ Dreadwing x Megatrons Daughter!

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Okay guys here's one that I'm super excited about!

Thank you Elisir7 for requesting this!

Happiness, love, and nervousness is all I could feel at the moment.

I walked down the dark halls of the Nemesis headed towards mine and Dreadwings shared berth room.

What would he do? Did he even want a sparkling?

It had been six Earth months since my dear sparkmate had returned.

We had been sparkmates on Cybertron before the war and got separated not long after the death of our home world.

I had been so happy after he returned and my Sire, Megatron seemed to be okay seeing us together again.

I walked into our berth room and sat down on our berth waiting for Dreadwing to return.

"Sweetspark how was your day?" I smiled as he walked in about an hour later.

"Nothing new. How was yours?" I smiled and sat up from where I was lying down.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it dear?" He sat on the berth beside me.

"I'm sparked." His optics went wide and his helm snapped towards her.

"W..what did you say?"

I let out a nervous chuckle, "your going to be a Sire Dreadwing."

A smile spread across his faceplates and he pulled me into a sweet kiss.

When we separated he had the biggest smile across his dreams causing me to giggle.

He laid down and pulled me down beside him so he could wrap his arms around me.

"So, how do you plan on telling your Sire, and how do you think he'll react?"

I sighed, " I don't really care, he'll just have to deal with it."

Dreadwing just smiled, "I love you (y/n)."

I pressed a kiss to the side of his helm, " I love you too my dear mech."


We ended up falling asleep till the next day.

I woke up to soft kisses being placed on my faceplates.

"Good morning my love."

"Good morning."

I let out a long yawn and snuggled into his chassis.

He chuckled and gently caressed my side laying his helm on top of mine.

"I don't want to get up." I whimpered. He smiled and laughed, "I don't want to either but we have to Sweetspark."

I groaned and sat up. He got up and stretched and turned to me.

"I don't want you doing anything that might hurt you or the sparkling."

"I won't Sweetspark, but we do need to tell my Sire."

He nodded, " we will, what do you think about after I get back from my patrol?"

"That sounds good." He then pressed a gentle kiss to my forehelm and then walked out of our berthroom. I laid back down and sighed.

I don't think I've ever been this tired or hungry in my life. After a few minutes of laying there I got up and headed to get some energon.

I walked down the dark halls of the Nemesis but stopped when I was by the doors to the control room, might as well say hi to my Sire while im here.

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