Twin monsters

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It's so poetic to think about, how the thoughts of two people can combine into one person. They've never been in this situation before, they don't know what happened to them, but they're terrified nonetheless.
Me and my brother have been trapped here, a long, long time ago. We were sewn together to create this sort of abomination. I know there's no hope for us, even if we tried to go back, we could never. but my brother. He became hungry, desperate, and delusional even!

It was not like this on the first day, we were trapped, scared, and confused. Though our thoughts are separate. Our body was the same. He was optimistic at first, and I followed suit, feeding into his hope.

Not long after for ,Hells known how long. he started to go crazy. not in the Crazy you would think like he was out of it, he was crazy in the sense of not aware, and sometimes would mumble random words to himself. He would sometimes mumble things about our mother. We always wanted to make her proud.

My brother was a bit of a mamas boy. I had no problem with it though. She loved us both equally, but though, during our usual feeding time they fed us something we've could have never expected even in a million years.

It was a dead corpse. IT WAS A FUCKING CORPSE!?!?

It was lifeless and unmoving. My brother was persistent on eating it, though I tried to talk him out of it. he was convinced that he would rather see mama and know that she would be proud of us if we survived, instead of starve to death. I was not on board with this planned. Instead, I was frightened.

I was frightened with this, and what this place, turned my cheerful, happy, and loving brother into. As I'm giving up hope, I lose control of the bottom half. The only thing I had left now was my left arm.

One night I couldn't sleep. I was Wide-awake. Unlike my brother who was soundly sleeping. All I can think about was. ' What if I just ended the suffering, and take matters into my own paws ... if I.'

Then it hit me.
I took my left claw, placed it in between the stitching that sewed us together. I used what strength I had left to tear us apart. to end his madness.

All I heard next was a bloodcurdling cry. It was my brother, but despite my brothers cries, I torn apart the stitching. The top part of our body still remained unstitched, while the bottom, remains untouched and untethered.

At that time I could get a closer glimpse at what we were composed of. It was horrifying to say The least, these parts weren't even anything I've seen before, but in the center was a shared heart. It was pitch black and had a eye at the center. despite that Our body parts were not damaged, but even so.

He took the claw that he had control of, and bashed mine into the ground, while taking that same claw and putting it on my face, slamming the back of my head into the hard cold pavement, over and over and over again, with a sinister, toothy smile that could shake anybody to their very core, this continued until all I can hear was the sound of buzzing, and then slipped into sweet unconsciousness .
The next thing I knew, I was awake and in pain. our bodies were still split. But I could still see the hart we shared. Though my brother was asleep like nothing had happened. I'm so tired...... i'm so tired of trying to fight, trying to live.

So please angel, if you can hear me.

save us, save him, save me, and tell my younger brother I love him, and that I wish I was here to see him grow up and to you. Mama I will never forget your kindness

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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by: Jinx Where stories live. Discover now