Nightmare on a dream

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School Huh?I Felt like I had Heard that name Before, better not think about it,But I have a...bad feeling for some reason,But still...

Mom says its a place of learning And becoming Better pokémon,But Im still a little...on edge for some reason

"Oh my babies,I Still cant belive It!Just feels like a week ago you still couldnt talk!"mom expressed,tears falling from her eyes

"Yes I know Darling,But they need education"My dad reassured her,she nodded But I could still feel the sadness that was emanating from her

Well me And my brother Sho both got bags,and were waiting outside of our little home,when a big blue jelly like thing appeared, followed by a bunch of other Tiny pokémon like me And sho,he approached us

"Ah,Mister Vernon and Madam Maddy,I assume these two are the children you kept mentioning?"the blue jelly said With a calm tone

"Yes,these are our little ones,Say your names boys!"Mom exclaimed,While hugging us tighly

"Im Shou!But bro calls me sho to!"Sho barked while pointing to me

"I-Im Yan..."I muttered with all the energy I Could muster,I coudlnt feel the jelly Man gaze examine me And my brother

"They seem like Fine little ones!I hope They can get along well with the rest of our class"jelly Man twirled his mustache like thing as he chuckled

With that,and a kiss on the cheek from mom,we were sent along with the other pokémon following the blue jelly Guy,The pokémon  were all talking among themselves,I Wanted to Join in, But I was to shy...

my brother on the otherhand started talking with the others quickly,He was talking to a little cone guy with stubby arms,they seemed pretty animated then He dragged me

"And This Is my Bro Yan!he Is kinda quiet..But he Is Nice Right"He Gave me a little punch as he introduced me

"Y-Yeah Im Yan....,Nice to meet you..."I introduced myself with all the coolness of a 80 year Old granny

"Oh,Hi!Im cryo,Im a snorunt! thats what mom says I am anyway..."He exclaimed excited,He seemed quite sweaty,I had a feeling He was kinda nervous for some reason

"Your sweating...Are you okay?"I took the iniative to talk, something Which suprised me,I wanst the one who started the conversations ussually

"Oh,its Just so hot!I live All the way up in those mountains,And its so much colder,way better"He explained,I was relived It was Just The heat,Even though to me The heat was conforting...But different strokes for different folks I guess

We talked a bit more, this cryo Guy seemed quite nice,but he kept complaining

"Ugh its so hot,How can you two enjoy this unbearable heat"he would keep saying,He knew Quite the fancy words,more fancy Then what we say

Eventually we All arrived at some place,With some wooden things and a weird rectangle thing

"We are here everyone!"the mustached jelly then pointed to the place,this Is probably the School then

We were instructed to take our seats,and I Just followed what everyone Else was doing,My brother was besides me,And cryo was behind me

"Hey cryo...whats a seat?"I asked,I was kinda embarassed  to have to ask but I dont want to be in the dark

"Ah its to sit on these chairs,its what they are called If you are Wondering,now that you Sat on them,its your seat for the rest of time!...or at least Until the year ends..."Cryo explained

Then the jelly Man started talking,"Welcome children,I See a Lot of New faces in here,So I might as Well introduce myself"

"I am Mister Vellsworth the jellicent,And I will be your teacher for the First years,We will learn And have tons of Fun and learning!"He remarked excitedly

For some reason I wasn't as excited,Sho was though,He was radiating excitiment!That kinda made me less anxious to,It made me work up the courage to ask something

"M-Mister Vellsworth?what will we learn exactly?"

"Ah my little scaly friend,we will learn tons,To How The pokémon body works,to How to use your first moves,It Will be a learning universe!"He responded,sounding really dramatic(learned this world With cryo!)

Still that dont really answer my question,what will we learn?I dont really Know what a "move"Is,And The pokémon body?I guess I Can get behind that

"I Can see some of you are confused, probably on what a "move"is,well its gonna be the topic of today class!Its important to be able to defend yourselves And moves will help with that "He explained to All of us,While gesturing to us to leave and Go to the the grassy part

On there,There were some weird things,"these are dummies,They remind me of you two!"cryo remarked,The teacher then started talking to us

"Now children,I Will show you,a Basic move,A move the level you will learn"He started concetranting,And then,He let out a burst of water,the dummy being hit by It,It seemed to hurt...

"What I did Just there..It was a move,Water gun to be precise,its done by water types like me"He explained in a calm tone

"Teacher,what a type?"A little Black And white little thing,I think its a Bear

"Ah little pancham,I will explain it in just a minute,But you All need to know what a move Is first, Anyway,now I We can get to the learning"Our teacher responded to the pancham(I think its their Name?)

Anyway,the rest of the class was just us learning what types are,I learned me And my brother are fire types, so Our fire attacks Will be stronger,cryo Is a Ice type,So that means he Is weak to fire(Now I get Why he complained do much)But he strong against dragons,Those seem scary..

Anyway,I coudlnt stop thinking of that thing The teacher did,the move...,It seemed so cool And Powerful!I want to do It!For once I am actually excited about this School thing, Though I Still cant quite shake off this weird feeling of dread....,its probably Just my imagination

*Outside of Yan pov*
*Call start*
Hey...Hey can you hear me?Good...its about time...the School year hás started,and I know you always find This task pointless,But you need to go on agent V,Be on the lookout for any color...You know How important those are gonna be...Dont mess this up
*Call ends*

Autor note: Holy moly I never expected to get this much support when I decided to revive this series, nearly a hundred reads,when I revived it like some days ago,If your Reading this there a chance Its already hundred,And I Just wanna thank you guys for the support,Expect to see more of this Fic!

That time I got reincarneted as a Fuecoco(aka a Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now