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"With the Ad Astra, we shall find the treasure"

Role: Captain

Name: Jack Blackburn

Nickname: Captain

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Male

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Jack is overall a kind and extroverted guy

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Personality: Jack is overall a kind and extroverted guy. He tries to make everyone feel included and cares deeply for his crew. He's loyal and will die for those he loves. He also plays dumb alot and likes to have people underestimate him. He is rather stubborn at times and won't always admit he's wrong.

Likes: Dogs, booze, playing cards, a good joke, being a pirate, his crew, stories, singing, starry sky, adventure, The Ad Astra

Dislikes: Hot days, monsters, rude people, homophobes, his crew getting hurt, dealing with raw meat, sour foods, rats

Fears: His crew dying/Never finding the treasure

Chance Blackburn(Father)
Lyra Blackburn(Mother)

Backstory: Jack was born to live on the open seas. He was born on his father's ship as both his parents were pirates. With his birth however the pair decided it would be best for Lyra and Jack to stay on land. Jack heard many stories from his mother about her adventures with his dad. After hearing these stories Jack knew he wanted to be a pirate. Many years later a rumor about this treasure that could grant any wish was spread. With this Chance set out to find the treasure for his family...he never returned. In honor of his father he decided to take the ship,The Ad Astra, and find the treasure.

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