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After finding the boys Zeü took a little while to warm up to them but eventually she settled in well as we flew back towards Berk just letting out a growl here and there if Hiccup and Toothless got too close
'Sorry Hiccup I'm not meaning to be rude it's just, the only people I've ever been around have hurt me' Zeü sighed and i repeated it
"Hey it's okay, I understand, I used to be scared of you dragons as you were of us but trust me Berk is a dragon paradise" Hiccup laughed
"See it's no worries" I assured my dragon, patting her side as she purred.
I can't lie flying this long without a saddle was kind of sore and my thighs were killing me
"Hiccup can we land on 'Itchy Armpit' my thighs are killing me" I asked over the wind
"Yeah sure, dive bud" Hiccup said, directing Toothless towards the small island.
We landed and I got off and flopped on to the ground, sitting by a tree. Hiccup done a quick scout of the island with Toothless as me and Zeü had a quick rest
'Thank you Y/n' she said leaning her head in my lap
"For what?" I replied
" you're very welcome, thank you too" I sighed
'Now it's my turn to ask for what' Zeü spoke again
"Well a month or 2 ago some vikings tried to kill me and in the process killed my Wooly Howl Star, you are the first dragon I have felt connected to since then"
'And you are the first human I have connected with' she purred. It was nice to be able to understand things she said, it was like having a best friend, other than Hiccup of course but speaking of Hiccup I feel like there is something more between us.

3rd person pov

They landed back on Berk and Zeü was extremely anxious
"Hey girl my house is over there, go through the top window it's okay" Y/n patted her and smiled softly, the dragon made her way over and flew in.
"Hiccup maybe we should have went back to your island first and I shouldn't have flown over heee with you and Toothless" Y/n said with her nerves rising
"Don't worry, Zeü will get used to it" he said, wrapping his arm around Y/n's shoulder and hugging her closer as he placed a kiss on her cheek. Y/n felt her cheeks go red as Hiccups done the same
"Come on let's go to your house" He said and they started walking
Hiccup as butterflies as did Y/n and they both wanted to express how they felt so when they got in they said a quick hello and caught up with Y/n's parents before heading upstairs
They both said at the same time awkwardly
"You go first" Hiccup said with a smile as they both plopped down on her bed as the dragons sat in the corner
"Okay well Hiccup I-I feel more than a friendship for you, I have since we were younger I just never found the time to tell you, Hiccup I love you" the h/c girl smiled
"I was gonna say the same thing" Hiccup smiled back, they stared into each others eyes and then towards the lips before leaning in for a light kiss.


I awoke alone in my bed and saw Zeü lying in the corner
"Hey girl do you know where Hiccup is?" I questioned
'The forge' she replied with a yawn
"Want to come with me to find him?" I asked with hope, Zeü nodded ready to adapt to the ways of viking and dragon life.

We walked through the village toward the forge, entering I saw my uncle Gobber sharpening a sword
"Hey Uncle have you seen Hiccup?" I asked with a smile
"In the back lass, now come 'ere I haven't seen you properly in ages!" He exclaimed with a smile, I walked over and he gave me a bone crushing hug
"Can't - breath" I said struggling, he let go and let out a quick apolegy before turning his attention to Zeü whom was standing at the door
"And who's this" he said gesturing to her
"That is Zeü, my dragon" I smiled at her as she replied back with a gummy smile
"Oh wow she's a beauty! You know I'm glad we decided to stop killing the creatures they are quite alright" he spoke again as he went to go pet Zeü who was anxious at first but soon relaxed and let her guard down.
I walked to the back and called out for Hiccup
"Over 'ere!" He shouted and I followed the sound of his voice. I walked in to find him shirtless Oh. My. Thor I couldn't help but stare for a second before regaining my focus
"What, am I covered in ash or something?" He said with a knowing chuckle
"No but you are handsome" I replied slyly
"why thank you milady" he said with a wink before coming over and placing a soft kiss to my cheek
"Anyway got to go, I made a new tail for Toothless, come on" he said, excitement filling his eyes as he pulled me back through the forge
"Bye Gobber!" We both shouted before walking towards Hiccup and his father's hut to get Toothless. Before Hiccup could get started his father came in the door and started talking
"Good morning son, and Y/n. I need to ask something of yous" he said with a straight face
"And what's that?" Hiccup questioned as he started detaching Toothless' prosthetic
"Give a few of the kids your age a chance to get a dragon of their own, it would be handy to have a group of yous" He said, coming over and patting Hiccup (who had now stood up straight and abandoned the tail fin) on the back
"What?!" He said loudly
"You heard me" Stoick chuckled
"Dad you can't be serious!"
"You left for 2 years leaving us thinking you were dead and then came back with a night fury, I think you own us all one"
Stoick had won this one.

The next morning we rounded up a few dragons and took them to the arena were we used to kill them - ironic isn't it - we then got a few of the people our age: Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, the group was stocked to be here ( especially Fishlegs who had read the book of dragons 100000 times), however me and Hiccup were not, most of them had restlessly bullied us growing up and now we had to trust them to take care of dragons! But we kept our cool and got to work, firstly introducing them all to Toothless, who had a lot more patience than Zeü who kept herself beside me at all times, staying as calm as she could as I asurshed her she would be okay, I told her a few times it was okay to leave but she was adamant on getting over her last, I admired that. Speaking of the whole talking to dragons thing, everyone found that really cool and even Astrid was nice to me! Maybe we would form some friendships here, who knows.

The Night Rider (hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now