Adapting - again

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Stoick took the news surprisingly well but instructed that Y/n and Hiccup don't go about telling everyone, not even their friends until they had to.
It was 2 months after that and Y/n started showing a bump
"You are so beautiful" Hiccup said as he stared at his girlfriend in awe
"Where has this came from" Y/n laughed
"I don't know, you are just perfect"
"I could say the same about you Hic"
"Come on, I want to show you something" Hiccup said as he gently pulled Y/n out of bed and headed down the stairs.
It was sunrise by the time they reached the cliff at the other end of the forest since they walked on foot, there was already a picnic set up with rose petels spread on the blanket
"Ladies first" Hiccup said as he gestures to the blanket
"Oh Hiccup this is amazing, the view as well. Thank you," Y/n said as she sat down
"Well I wanted this moment to be special," he smiled
"What moment?" Y/n asked with a smile.
Hiccup got down on one knee and pulled out a necklace with a silver ring including a dimond on it, he was smiling so wide his cheeks hurt, as did Y/n
"Y/n L/n will you do me the honour of making me the happiest Viking alive and call me yours, I have loved you since we were young and I have waited for this moment for so long. I love Y/n, always and forever" he breathed heavily
"Yes! Yes I'll marry you!" Y/n said as she jumped up and wrapped her now fiancé in a bone crushing hug as they both fried happy tears, they each pulled away and kissed for a while before parting for air
"I love you so much n/n"
"I love you too Hic"
They sat on the blanket and watched the sunrise, happiness that could not even be described over took them.

—— 1 month later ——

The last month had been uneventful except from a few trips to check up on the furies, Y/n wouldn't be able to fly from this month onwards incase of injuring her baby but Vera didn't seem to mind, she was glued to Y/n's side 24/7.
Currently the gang all sat in the great hall for diner
"I'll grab the food, yous go sit" Hiccup suggested to Y/n and she wasn't going to protest, she was so tired so she just went and sat at the table which the gang was at
"Hey Y/n" Astrid said as she sat beside her
"Hi!" Y/n replied back
"Zeü , you don't need to be beside me all the time," Y/n laughed as the dragon wedged her head on the bench between the girls
"She really does love you, it's cute" Astrid laughed
"You look fatter," Snotlout said out of the blue in between bites of his chicken leg
"Snotout!" Fishlegs sighed
"I am aware Snotlout, but you didn't have to mention it!" Y/n exclaimed angry before walking out, Zeü following behind her but of course hitting Snotlout over the head with her tail first.
"Where Y/n?" Hiccup asked as he got to the table with the food
"Snotty called her fat so she stormed off" Tuffnut said unamused
"She's pregnant Snotlout! It's a baby bump!" Hiccup said angrily
"She's pregnant?!"
"She's what?!"
"Shit.." Hiccup sighed
"Don't tell anyone!" He said, running off to find Y/n.

Y/n sat in the blacksmiths just drawing
"That looks good," Hiccup said coming up and hugging her from behind
"Thanks" Y/n sulked
"Erm so I slipped up and told the gang you were pregnant. I heard Snotlout called you fat and just kind of lost it sorry" he laughed sheepishly as he sat beside her
"It's fine, they were bound to notice anyway" Y/n sighed
"Want to go home, I'll make soup?" Hiccup suggested
"Yeah sure"
They walked home and Hiccup got to work cooking while Y/n sat on a chair in front of the fire, stroking Vera's scales
"Where's Toothless?" She questioned, realising she hadn't seen the dragon today
"Hm I actually don't know" Hiccup sighed
"Should we maybe go look?"
"You can't fly milady, we don't want to risk hurting this little one" Hiccup said as he sat beside Y/n and placed a kiss to her stomach as she smiled warmly
"I'll borrow a flying school dragon tomorrow and go search if he doesn't come home tonight" Hiccup said softly
"I'm sure Zeü wouldn't mind taking you, he is her little love bird after all" the h/c girl said playfully, earning a playful growl from her dragon
"What about it? You good to leave me for a while and take Hiccup girl?" The dragon just gave an unsure glance
"I'll be safe here, don't worry" Y/n said encouragingly as she continued to stroke her dragons head which rested in her lap
Just then Toothless came bounding in the door
"Bud! I was gonna come looking for you!" Hiccup said as he jumped up and walked over to an overlay excited Toothless, Zeü got up as well and walked over then she rubbed along Toothless like a cat
"What's in your mou- ewww" Hiccup said just as Toothless regurgitated some fish up
"Aww it's Zeü favourite" the boy continued
"That's cute but did he have to do it in the house?" Y/b laughed while Hiccup walked over
"Like you said, little love birds" Hiccup laughed back, both dragons shot him an 'are you serious' look
"Don't know if I could eat soup after seeing that" Y/n sighed
"Me neither, let's go to bed"

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