five | your tie

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The morning came as usual with the sunlight peeking in between the curtains. The smell of breakfast foods traveled through the corridors from the Great Hall and into the rooms which was the reason students were able to get up so quickly. The bed felt even cozier than ever, warming up their bodies as the cold air chilled the room. 


Something felt different to Amelia. Her eyes flutter open, slightly blinded by the sun. Her vision focuses, a little blurry due to her glasses being off. Her brows furrow in confusion as she sees the blonde Slytherin boy sleeping next to her. He was lying on his side, facing towards her and she noticed she was facing him too. She remembered the night before.

For once in their lives, there wasn't upsetting tension surrounding the two. Amelia realized just how close she was to his face, considering her sight of him wasn't blurry. Usually, if she was this close to Malfoy, she'd step back and move. But this time she wasn't sure why she didn't. Her gaze was fixed on the boy's face, almost mesmerized. His lips were very slightly opened, with soft breaths leaving them. She could see his eyes move around in his eyelids as a slight smile formed on his face. She wondered what he was dreaming about. Draco barely ever smiled, especially recently. With his mind and body asleep, his features softened. His face felt so good to look at. He really is a handsome boy, Amelia thought to herself. The feeling she felt, felt surreal but she couldn't help but keep staring.

She lied in the bed next to the sleeping boy for what felt like an eternity. She felt guilt in her stomach that was overpowered by butterflies. A sleeping Draco isn't so bad.

Amelia snapped out of her trance when Draco slightly moved, causing her to flinch and turn around, hoping he didn't wake. Then something else hit her. Why was the sun so much brighter than usual? It also felt unusually warmer than it would in the early mornings, at the time they were meant to wake. That's when she realized....

"SHIT!!" a loud gasp left her mouth. She jumped up, throwing the comforter to the side and on Draco, waking him up. 

"My love, why're you being so loud?" He asked stuffing a pillow into his face, "Mmmmmmhhhhh" he groaned, shielding his eyes from the brightness that filled the room. 

Amelia froze for a second, "What the fuck did you just call me?" 

The half awake boy jumped up from his slumber realizing who he was talking to. Amelia felt some type of excitement burst inside her as she replayed the words leaving his mouth, but soon got disgusted after realizing what she was feeling.

Draco's face in shock, "Fuck, I thought you were Astoria." He muttered, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes. 

Amelia felt a frown start to form on her face but quickly wiped it off. Get it together Amelia. Thats Draco Malfoy you're talking to. He's vile, and gross, and...and... unbearably beautiful to look at. 

The rushing girl brushed off his words, "We're late. As fuck. We missed our first class and charms just started." she says. 

"Shit, he's going to kill us." 

The two rush to get changed. Amelia whips off her shirt facing away from the boy. Her back was bare. Draco froze in his tracks for a couple seconds. His eyes fixed on her slip waist that created an hourglass shape. Her skin looked smooth and soft with a couple of moles scattered around. His eyes watched her slip on her button up shirt. Then she slipped off her pajama shorts, and quicky slipped on her black skirt, covering herself from the eyes that she felt on her. He snapped out of his trance once he realized. Though a small part of him wished he was still watching, as he was almost mesmerirzed by seeing a part of the Hufflepuff he'd never thought he'd see. He embarrassingly enjoyed it, though would never admit it. 

IN BETWEEN THE HATE | draco malfoy ᡣ𐭩Where stories live. Discover now