Take Your Chain, Replace It With A Name

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Warning for sexual humour, suicide reference, and murder


The first time Horror had met Murder had been at Nightmare's castle.

It was a small interaction and hadn't changed much about his opinion on the smaller skeleton which was that he was a jackass and a dirty brother killer, at least that's what he got from Killer's senseless ramblings about anything and everything.

Anyways, their meeting happened really late into the night, a fact Horror only knew because he could hear Killer's unnecessarily loud snoring practically reverberate around the walls. He was almost certain Killer wasn't actually sleeping and was just being loud to annoy him.

After a long time was successfully wasted trying to break his skull enough that he couldn't hear anymore he decided to stay awake, because it wasn't like he needed the energy that it would give him for when Nightmare chose to send them into battle with people a million times more powerful than him or anything.

He was seriously considering ripping out Killer's vocal cords.

The large monster dragged his feet as he made his way towards the makeshift kitchen Nightmare had graciously granted them after Horror pointed out the fact they needed to eat regularly, and while he knew he could survive seven years without it, that doesn't mean he wants to.

Horror hadn't exactly been over the moon to find out that he was going to be abducted from his home and would never get to see his brother again, would have to live in a massive building with three murderous psychopaths and had to jump to the whims of a control freak of a boss that had much of a consistent temper as a toddler, but on the plus side, food was easily retrieved with just a flick of Nightmare's tentacles, and that was more than he had before.

He repeated that fact(?) Over and over again in his brain, his slippers shuffling against the hardwood floor, he pushed open the kitchen's door, barely being able to hear the sharp creek it made over the thunderous snores

The room was dark, and the only light source came from something in the left right corner of the room, casting a soft purple hue on all of the metal surfaces.

He felt around the wall for a bump, and when he found it, he applied pressure to the switch. The light flickered on with a click, making it easy for him to see that the source of light had been Murder, a skeleton he's only ever heard of.

"What are you doing?" he asked, staring down at where Murder was sitting on the ground. It was clear he was eating something, but it was still an unusual sight that he thought needed explanation.

Murder did not respond, deciding to instead move the crisp he held in between his fingers closer to his ajar mouth. They held eye contact for a while until Horror deduced that Murder was not going to speak to him and decided to turn the lights off and close the door behind him.

He wasn't that thirsty anyway.

The next day, he was burning with curiosity. There wasn't much to do except wait for Nightmare to tell them to do something and they couldn't go anywhere without his approval first, so he chose to spend his days practising his aim or counting all the food they have left, normal activities like that. Boring activities, too.

It gave him a lot of time to think about things, and those thoughts kept drifting to the mysterious skeleton he had encountered the night before. So, naturally, he spent a few minutes trying to pry whatever information Killer knew about Murder out of him.

"Murder? Don't know why you're asking me, Five, Boss prolly knows more about him than I do. What I do know is that he's a solid four outta ten, not worth all the coercion, if you know what I mean" Killer smirked, spinning his knife around expertly.

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