Can You Tell Im Feeling Hollow?

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Horror glanced towards his door, which had cracked open just enough to make it easy for him to see Murder.

"Oh, Uh.. Annyeom?" he stuttered out, judging from the way Murder's eye lights thinned into slits, he could safely assume he said that wrong.

"안녕" Murder corrected.

"Annyeong," he tried again.

"You suck," Murder stated, walking further into Horror's room and choosing a pile of untouched books as the perfect place to sit.

"Wow, thanks, bud," he grumbled, leaning against the cold wall behind him.

These kinds of conversations happened regularly between the two skeletons due to the language barrier.

The task of learning a new language was a difficult one expecially because the monster teaching him didn't know English. Phrases Horror didn't understand he eventually picked up through context clues and repeating them until Murder deemed Horror's pronunciation good enough.

It was very frustrating and helped Horror find out that he preferred Murder when he wasn't speaking because he was still, if not even more of an asshole.

He would occasionally repeat random things Killer said most likely in hopes that it was an insult and half of the time it was.

When they weren't bothering Horror, they were bothering Nightmare, which was considerably worse because Nightmare would make it his problem too by giving punishment to all of them for whatever Killer did.

Punishments that included withholding food. Just a couple of weeks ago, Killer blatantly ignored Nightmares' order to leave the universe they were supposed to be attacking in favour of having a friendly discussion with a random Sans.

Horror was surprised Nightmare hadn't magically gotten rid of their ability to speak for his disobedience, in fact he was a little disappointed he didn't because then Horror wouldn't have to hear Killer speak and he also wouldn't be reminded of his home every time his already faulty magic would cause his body to randomly stop moving.

Just thinking about it made him want to bang his head against the wall until the feeling of emptiness went away.

"What do you want?" he asked, resting his hand against his head to ease the pain that pulsed like a heartbeat jumping around his skull.

Something cold and hard was thrown at him. He picked up and looked at it in confusion. It was a small glass bottle with a few drops of a bright orange liquid inside of it.

"What is this?" he mumbled to himself, not really expecting an answer.

"독" Murder smiled, raising his head in a proud manor.

Dough? It didn't look like dough. If anything, it looked like a shot of tequila, and if it was dough, that was hardly anything to be proud of.

Well, Murder could keep his questionable beverages to himself, he threw the bottle back to the shorter monster and watched as he caught it, tightening his grip on the glass until it shattered and small shards fell far into his sleeve. What a weirdo.

They sat in silence for a while. Murder looked as though he was expecting something, although Horror had no clue what.

Eventually, the ominous skeleton staring at him became too uncomfortable, leading to him wandering the halls, trying his best to find Killer and hoping that it would get the short skeleton away from him.

Murder followed him through the dark corridors, their footsteps burning a hole into his mind, as the noise quickly became grating.

When Killer's voice overpowered the repetitive sound, he wasn't sure whether he felt relief or distain, "Whatcha up to?"

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