¿Como Se Llama Este Fantasma?

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"This is Cross. He's working for me now and you will not kill him," Nightmare announced. His gaze drifted towards Killer and a scowl spread across his face, "Or engage in other activities with him."

Killer laughed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nightmare scoffed and flicked their skull with a tentacle, "I'm serious, do not kill him or you will reach the same fate. Remember that you are replaceable."

Killer rubbed at their skull and pouted after Nightmare sunk into the ground.

Horror stared at the monotone skeleton.

Cross was shorter than him, and definitely taller than Murder but no less intimidating.

The only colours on him were the yellow heart locket around his neck, the distinct red eye light that floated around in his right eye socket and a red scar underneath it.

The outfit he was wearing was nothing if not ridiculous, it looked bigger than his entire body, he could count at least five x's on it and it had to be uncomfortable to fight in, but who was Horror to give fashion advice, after all, he'd been wearing the same shirt for so long the blood stains had turned brown.

The black and white scarf that was so long it dragged on the ground hid his mouth but Horror was sure he had an emotionless expression on his face based on the hardened eyes.

Nightmare sunk into the ground, leaving the four skeletons in the common room.

"So.. you got two extra holes somewhere on your body? Because the names Four and Five are already taken," Killer asked, absentmindedly spinning his knife around.

A realisation sparked in his mind at the question. He glowered at Killer "That's why you call me that?"

Cross stared at them, "What?"

As soon as the word left the skeletons' mouth Killer's smile grew, "Doesn't matter, we can make use of the ones you got."

Purple spread across his face and almost instantly his hand moved to pull his scarf up, obscuring more of his features, his eye lights drifted towards a table in the corner of the room, seemingly distracted by it in a way that made him ignore Killer.

Maybe this was a good thing. Hopefully Cross would take up the other two's time so Horror could have a while to himself. If they left him alone for at least an hour he could at least pretend living was worth it.

Killer jumped towards the skeleton and wrapped an arm around his shoulder the same way Horror had seen them do to Murder a million times before, "Why don't I show you around? We'll be the best of friends I betcha."

Cross pushed Killer's face away from his, and looked down at the gross black gunk that stuck to his hand in disgust, "What is that?"

"Heh, dunno. Wanna see what it tastes like?" Killer asked, leading him away from Murder and Horror.

"That's gross."

Murder made a sound of distaste, "What do you think?" he mumbled, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"Of Cross? I dunno."

There wasn't much to say about the guy, he'd just met him a few seconds ago.

"No, Killer is being different," Murder stated.

"Is he?" he asked. He hadn't noticed anything different about them, they were acting just as annoying as they usually were.

"Yes, 그 사람 긴장한 것 같아," he said.

"Nervous? Eh it's prolly nothing to worry about. I doubt anything could get under his skin. Heh," he responded, taking Murders silence as a cue for him to be able to leave.

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