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You were and your boyfriend, Nicholas (known as Jynxzi) are pretty big streamers, so when you stream with him often, people don't think anything of it, because no one knows yall are dating. You've streamed together several times before, so this stream would be like no other right? Wrong.

Today, you were unboxing fan mail yall both got sent, and when it was your turn, a fan sent you these exotic snacks from a different country. It was this chocolate with cream inside, but it was different since it had "different ingredients" so the chat said. You decided to share it with Nicholas, when yall both bit into it, a bit of the cream got on the side of your mouth.

"Hear ya go-" Nick said, as he wiped the cream off with his thumb, and just licked it off.

You look at him with wide eyes, then he realized what he did.

"YOOOOOO" "OMGGG????!?!?!?!" "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!?????" The chat overflowed with surprised people. "I- uhm-" you stutter, not knowing what to even say.

The rest of the stream was more low energy and more chill then it should have been. After yall announced that you were ending the stream, and shut it off, yall just looked at each other.

"Well, that just happened I guess." He said, in a low voice.

"Yeah..I guess it did." You said.


A/N: I want to know if I should continue this, since my last story only got two reads...😭 also if you have any recommendations for what should happen in the story, let me know!!!

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