Chapter 35

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| Tyler's P.O.V |

Krystal hasn't spoken a word about that day. The day she learned the truth about her life and what went on behind the scenes, about what made her the way she was today. When she arrived home, she was in shock, Lucas had to carry her to and from the car and it took three days to get her back to normal. Added, that she hardly spoke. After three weeks everything seemed to go back to normal. The pack went back to their joyful selves while I made an alliance with Lucas to combin both pack together.

A new law was set over the supernatural world during that time.

Manly wolves have been mated to two people and the female was able to choose only one. For those who were rejected were submitted into the mating games. Where high ranking wolves were able to pick any acceptable female wolf as their own. Any low rank would get the left overs, Krystal promised herself that our kids would never be admitted into those games. The thought of having our child rejected didn't set while with her.

But nonetheless she knew our children would have good mates and learn from their mistakes. She just hoped none of them went to the moon goddess before then.

| Krystal's P.O.V. |

The baby was due any day now.

It has been a month since our pack was 'attacked' and I found out the truth about myself and what went on in my life. Learning the truth was intriguing but every bit as hard when learning that what happened to me, wasn't my fault. But someone else's.

Granted, his mate had died when he was little and I was a replica of her but that didn't make it right to pursue what wasn't yours.

I hadn't told Tyler about what we discussed, only that the truth was out and it was unbelievable. He didn't pressure me and even made an alliance with Lucas knowing that having another person to confine in, would help both me and the baby's stress level.

Jules came around after the truth was explained. She tried to get me to listen to her story and I finally had. She told me that she had mated with her childhood best friend, since finding mates were rare during the twenty first century. She told me around a year ago she had found out her mate was Marcus and that he had kidnapped her lover. The only way she could get him back is if she were to befriend me and give information back to Marcus who waited for the perfect time to take me. He told her she'd get her lover back when all was done and I was his Luna but I fell pregnant and completed the mating bond with Tyler.

Plans changed from then.

When Jules had snuck down to the cells her pack held underground, she saw her lover and best friend, dead in a pile of his own filth and blood. He had been dead for four months and she hadn't known. Marcus found out that she went to go see him, her mated, and took his anger out on me. I was in the wrong and she had lost both of her mates.

I told her that she could stay in my pack but I never wanted to see her again. Every once and awhile I'd catch her scent or see her with a basket of fruits and veggies, carrying them to the market but other than that, we have hardly seen each other.

Tyler opened the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"They're here" smiling I slowly stood up and waddled over to him "great" I smiled taking his hand. Four neighboring Luna's who were pregnant or already had been pregnant were visiting. Tyler thought it was a good idea that I took notes and listened to their stories on parenthood while he and their mates discussed business.

"Luna Rosanne, Luna Amber, Luna Meredith and Luna Azle, it's so good to finally meet you" I exclaimed to the four ladies. Three of which was pregnant and the other with her first and second child. Ruka and Emerald. A cute blonde baby girl with emerald eyes. "It's nice to meet you too, I've been waiting for days!" Sighed Luna Amber, she was much younger than the three but had a free spirit. Luna Meredith who was the oldest held Emerald with a seven year old Ruka beside her.

We each hugged and I guided them down two halls and into the game room where we talked for hours. Luna Meredith informed me about the first seven months of having a baby, how their eyes open after the first week and how much feeding they'd need. We each shared stories while eating a cool treat.

I stood up after two hours, my legs were falling asleep and my abdomen felt weird. A cool wetness slid down the sides of my leg, Meredith noticed first.

"Oh my moon goddess, she's having the baby!" Luna Amber exclaimed, she was only two months pregnant and had another two or three months to go. "Someone call Alpha Tyler!" Luna Rosanna stood up and quickly walked out of the room.

"Ow" I hissed in pain.

"It's okay Luna Krystal, take a deep breath and count to a hundred. Your going to get through this, okay?" Meredith rubbed my back, guiding me out the room and down the stairs. "Krystal!" Yelled Tyler, he ran down the hall wrapping his arms around my waist to steadying me.

A car stopped in front of the house just in time for me, Tyler, Rosanna, Meredith, Amber and Azle to huddle in with their mates in the second car. We drove to the pack hospital, the pack on full alert of their new Alpha being born.

Tyler carried me to the birthing bed.

"Luna Krystal, I'm going to count to three and I'm going to need you to take deep breaths. On three your going to push" I nodded, sweaty covering my forehead.

"One. . ."

"Two. . ."

"Three! PUSH!" I took in a week breath before pushing as hard as I could, giving up when I needed air. "Good Luna Krystal, again" I pushed another time, taking Tyler's hand for support.

"I can see the head, two more pushes and you'll have your child" the doctor nodded holding up thre fingers and slowly counted down. "Push" the babies cry was so loud and thrilling I almost cried in relief but couldn't. "Alpha Tyler, come and welcome your new child" Tyler left my side, going down to support the child's head. "One last push Luna Krystal, one, two, three!" I pushed without command breathing a sigh of relief when the pain left and the child's cry got louder.

"What's the gender?" I asked softly, Tyler looked up, a goofy smile replacing his worried expressions. "A boy" he whispered in awe, walking around to let me see our blood covered baby. "What's his name?" Asked Azle, I pushed, holding the little bunch of joy in my arms.

"Grayson" I whispered kissing his head "and he's going to be a great Alpha"

Author's Note:

Sweet freaking chapter!!!!

Did you guys expect her to have a boy or hoped for a girl????

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Edited: 10/22/17

* New and Improved Version

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