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Your eyes makes me shy :)

Author's POV

Her footsteps brought her close to the kids, who were deep into whatever kind of games they could think of, something unfurled inside her chest, Her eyes registered their presence, and a deep yet long sigh escaped her mouth without a notice.

When she called on all of the students in a bit high-pitched tone of voice, they instantly gathered as they always do for morning assembly, leaving them with no other choice.

"Did my mother file a complaint against me with the teacher claiming that I frequently throw tantrums while consuming that ugly, bitter guard?" A little boy mumbled under his breathe and then scrunched his nose upon recalling how that vegetable taste.

"No way! Perhaps after calling me outside among the other students, this teacher will scold me in front of the entire class." He gave in a thought about the action that lies ahead in his fate and then swallowed the lump of saliva in frighten that has formed inside his small throat.

His tiny eyes at a leisurely pace out of the disquietude landed on the female figure who was standing there obstinacy, crossing her arms over her bosom.

His legendary yet fictitious mind couldn't seem to function properly on that precise moment as he out of the sudden saw that the two horn shaped object grown up on the either side of her head.

Her backside sprouted two enormous black wings, and her nails began to grow rapidly, giving the impression of a satan disguised herself cunningly in the attire of a teacher.

He shook away his head in incredulity and a small trickle of sweat trailed down from his
furrowed brow to his neck and he just nibbled on his lower lip, thinking profoundly.

"Alright kids, do you all wanna play a different kind of game?" She put the question in front of them with a flake of uncertainty and dubiousness , passing a small smile.

All of them seemed to be a bit astonished at her idea but nevertheless the waves of exhilaration arose in their eyes and in a while their smiling faces appeared in her view, notifying her that all of them were geared up.

"As you can all see there, they are small puppies roaming around, and the winner of this game will be the one who makes friends with them first." With a brief glance at her watch, she explained.

"Indeed, they are both dust-free and thoroughly cleaned." She elucidated them, not even leaving a shadow of uncertainty.

After the following minutes, all of them returned with a long face and brows knitted in exasperation and just without sharing a single word, stood there with a heavy heart.

"Ma'am, those puppies are just so stubborn; if we tried to get close to them, they would try to bark." A small child spoke up out of the blue, her words laced with a hint of disappointment.

"They are deserving of no friendship with us, ma'am," Out of the nowhere, a boy uttered those words which caught her attention.

She simply gave the boy a quick tap on the shoulder and gestured in the direction of somewhere with her index finger, without saying anything.

The scene unfolding before their eyes caused their eyes to widen slightly as they were all a little taken aback in sheer astonishment.

The same boy whom they abandoned by calling him ugly was playing with them to his heart's content, and the small puppies were licking his face and hands with such delight that his happy giggles inadvertently reached their ears. It appeared like from the grief of ocean, he has stolen a drop of happiness.

"Everyone deserves to be befriend with someone as friendship is like a sheltering tree and a good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a total insane world".

"Hence, I would just like to offer the sensible advice that we should not pass judgment on someone based solely on genetic issues because a good heart can exist inside of anyone." They all ripped their gaze off from her to their classmate after lending an ear to what their teacher explained.

"So the real game is let's see who will be going to his first friend?" She stated and a genuine smile split on her face.

Without a second thought, each of them rushed towards him; a few embraced him in their arms, while others extended their hands to shake hands.

"Oye! Tell me if anyone dares to bother you." A tall yet brawny boy who appeared to be strong as an ox exclaimed on a sudden that had the students rolling in the aisles while she herself convulsed with laughter.

"She is truly an angel; she is most definitely not the devil."

Once again, the same boy who had imagined her as the devil stared at her and saw that two gorgeous wings had emerged from her rear, giving her the appearance of an angel, and a shimmering silver crown had been placed atop her head.

He a second time shook his head in a manner indicating bafflement and exasperation on his fictitious mind. Heaving a sigh of relief he grinned like a cheshire cat at her direction.

Upon witnessing this grinning faces of children, something unfurled inside her chest and it felt like there's a brick on her chest and the hurricane of thoughts which for the most part, revolved around her children made her down in the dumps.

Her eyes that were parched a few moments ago now desired to shed a few tears as a heart inside of her chest has lose itself in the lane of memories of theirs.

The school bell abruptly rang, alerting her to the end of the day and her impending reunion with her kids as after a few minutes later, they will be in her arms, telling her everything that has happened throughout the day. Heaving a sigh in fidgety and face dimpled into a sad smile, She strolled ahead to her next class.






{At same night}

His heavy footsteps give rise to a sound that echoed in the hall which was bathed in black shade even his shadow itself was swallow in darkness, without informing him an icy breeze invaded inside and began to play on his skin with such tenderness that it seemed to be trying to soothe his heart.

A cold sensation rolled inside his veins which could not help but dig more solitariness in the pores of his heart. For a moment he felt to hide himself  in those curtains of darkness and wish to never have urge to even peek outside. The wind breathed lonely, longing to flow in every corner with jaunty.

But whom he is kidding! Wound can heal but scars can never, Suddenly the  speed of wind slow down as if they were taunting him before heading ahead.

It seemed as though someone had piled a mountain of memories on top of his heart, as if they had become an inseparable part of him, much like salt in the ocean.

He streched one of his leg to marched towards the stairs but couldn't when the faintest voice of someone reached to his ear and his dark, thick eyebrows knitted together in
bewilderment because at one in the morning who in the world will still be awake.

He wend his way in the direction of kitchen where once again bells of anklets' jingling mixed with soft whisper of wind traveled to his ears, notifying him about his wife's presence that made him felt something which he couldn't put in words as his eyes unpredictably arose the desire to catch a glimpse of her in the dark shadow.

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