Shadow X Fem Cat!Reader PT 1

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[Actually... Listening to minecraft music really helps as you write... y'all should try it, low-key helps a lot]
[Major Disclaimer! Cream is in this cast but she is NOT playing the game with the rest, she's pretty much being babysitted as they play and she's NOT going to be in the circle! I had written this at a time where I didn't know the characters ages and I had assumed everyone was older for whatever reason, silly me of course, so now that I definitely know her age I can DEFINITELY say that she is MOST CERTAINLY not playing this fucking game.
And yes, this has been a draft for years-
You were walking home from work as you were walking you bumped into a familiar pink hedgehog. "Hey y/n!!! I was wondering if you'll like to come to my party..." Amy said, hoping you'll take the offer to her party "Um sure?" You said shyly "Thanks" said Amy cheerfully. You nodded "no problem" you whispered softly as Amy winks at you , you would tilt your head in confusion but shrugged it off "I wonder who's gonna be there" you asked out loud on accident
"It's a secret~" said Amy and Elizabeth at the same time. ' Ugh really?! She invited Elizabeth??! She's a total teaser....' you thought as you started to walk home until you got a text, you hummed is question as you looked at it
" So 7 PM? That'll be great" you said to yourself as you would put your phone in your pocket, you decided it was best to go home and get ready...

It didn't take you too long as your house wasn't too far off from where your job was at as you got to your house, opening the door with your keys, closing the door behind you and locking it afterwards.

As you got there you pondered on what to wear.... After a bit of think you ended up picking out some clothes to get changed into. Wearing some simple clothes like some blue jeans and a white baggy shirt since you didnt really like the clothes that show off too much with any design or anything as you didn't really want to stand out... Only exceptions are anime shirts but they were currently in the washing machine so that was out of the question, so you were just going to be wearing something simple. After that you would then head out of your room, telling a friend of yours bye...
"Bye Kylie" you told her as she waves and wishes you good luck , now you were confused.... Saying good luck for a party? Hmm, then again you are rather shy so maybe she was wishing you luck, knowing how nervous you'd be...
As you were walking you heard a motorcycle nearby you turned to see Shadow, you turned quickly and acted like you didn't see him as you kept walking

"Hmph I see Amy made you come to her party too" said Shadow said as you still didnt look at his eye as you said "yeah" as your tail wags side to side slowly ". . . . Wanna ride?" He asked softly.
"Um if you dont mind" you said shyly as he nods still remaining calm about the whole situation... You didn't know how he pulls off being so serious all the time even serious about attending a party as if it were a business meeting, then again, one of the traits you found to be oddly attractive....
"Come" he said, you followed and he pointed to his motorcycle you blushed "Thanks" you said as he nods and walked to get on the seat, you followed and got on and slightly hugging him from behind, he blushes slightly as you did so, he put in his keys and started the engine "you ready?" He asked
"Yeah" you responded to him. He nodded and took off, you still held onto him...

[time skip]

When y'all got there, you got off as you hesitantly walked to the door about to knock but in a instant Amy opened it "Hey y/n" she said as you blushed slightly
"Hey Amy" you said as you walked in and sat on the couch
"Hi Ms Y/n " said Cream in a kind manner
"Hello Cream" you said in a whisper
"I made this for you " said cream as she puts a flower crown on your head
"Wow thanks cream" you said with a smile... You would turn to the side as you would see that Cream had Sonic wear a pretty little princess dress as he sat down at the makeshift tea part table as you couldn't help but snicker softly, the blue blur obviously feeling embarrassed as he was put on babysitting duties since he didn't want to play the romantic based party games Any had planned...
You were about to say something about it until Amy spoke up "I have an announcement " some groan already knowing what she'll say
"We're gonna play seven minutes in heaven" said Amy as she smiles
"I'm out" said shadow in annoyance as he was about to go but Elizabeth blocked the door and smirks
"Nope" said elizabeth
"Come on Shadow..... It's not that bad" said Amy with a giggle as she winks at Y/n
Y/n blushes as shadow just ignored Amy as he blushes also "Fine.....I will but after this I'm going to find the danm fourth chaos emerald" he said in that usual rough tone that makes you shiver.
Amy giggles "Ok everyone in a circle" she said
You just went ahead and sat between Rouge and Lola as you just shyly sat there blushing.
"I think You should go first Y/n" Amy said
"Wh-what? Why m-me?" You stuttered as your tail puffed up
Amy giggles and whispers at you "do it for Shadow~" she said teasingly
You sighed in defeat as ypu whispered "I hate when you find out these type of things" you said as you spinned that bottle and landed on shadow '....' You thought
"Hmph lets get this over with" he said at that tone that you just CAN'T stand, actually, everything about him makes you really flustered....
He grabs your wrist as he takes you to the closet "....." You said nothing as you blushed "Hmph honestly didn't expect you to be so silent about this particular game, usually the rest would be squealing about it" he whispered
"Well.......I'm...shy" you admitted softly
Shadow smirks "shy huh?"
"Yeah" you mumbled
"Hmm, let's keep this between us, that is one of the many reasons why I find you attractive..."
"Wh-What?" Before you could say anything else the black hedgehog would pull you into a deep and passionate kiss which left you feeling good... your blush deepens as you kissed back slowly, his kiss only deepens more asbyou could tell there was a lot of love into the long kisses he is giving you.... he looked into your eyes softly asbhe slowly pulled back from the kiss... as if silently asking you of he could go further as you nodded softly... He was about to lean in to kiss your soft neck until Amy opened the door....
"......I did not expect this..." She said in shock as she knew of what they were about to do, you know Amy could be a tease when she wants to be...
"Come on y/n" he said as he took you by the hand softly " Nervous?" Shadow couldn't help but chuckle softly at your fluster, your tail puffed up as you looked away "perhaps...." you whispered as Shadow smiled... which is rare sight for this particular hedgehog.
"Don't worry, I'm new to this too" he whispered as you smiled softly
"Want to head over to my place after this?..." you asked softly as Shadow nodded "Sure"
"What time?" He asked you as you would nervously twiddle your thumbs "How does 9 PM sound?"
"Sounds great" he whispered as you then smiled brightly...
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all......
[To be continued]

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