1) Its Easy

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Information before you continue:
- This book is centered around a cult
- Demons/Biblically accurate angels

Also, to clarify, I am not religious. I wrote this based on what I've searched, seen or read. If you get pissed off at me for doing something wrong. Tell me- or deal with it one.

(The girl in the cover is Cassie, she is the protagonist or main character.)




"Come on... We need someone else! How else are we-" The man wearing a white slik gown ranted to his counterpart. "Wait... I see one." His friend pointed over to a little girl with short hair. She was all by herself, none watching her either.

The men smirk at eachother. "She's the one?" One of them said. The other nodded.

The one that was shorter than the other went over to the lonesome girl.

"Hello..." He smiled softly, seeming innocent to the young girl. "Hello mister!" She said in a almost excited tone.

"Me and my friend, the one over there..." He pointed to the taller. "Have a special surprise.. Do you wish to come with us?" He asked. The girl didnt have a second thought before immediately agreeing.

He held her hand and the three of them went on their way. "So easy..." The taller smirked. "Really is." The shorter smirked back, checking to see if the girl still had his hand in hers. She did.

Once they arrived at their destination, which was a stone church building with a few cracks here and there, they walked inside.

"What's the surprise?" The little girl asked.

"Your going to have to explain it to her." The taller jokingly punched the others shoulder before walking off. "Hey!" The shorter grumbled.

"First, whats your name..?" The little girl immediately said, "Cassie.."

"Alright Cassie.. You'll get your surprise one day. That day will be in about a year or so.." Cassie immediately frowned. "But.. I want my surprise now..!" She whined.

"Your going to have to wait..." The shorter man said irritatedly. His words seemed to have silenced Cassie, for now atleast. "On that day, God will come down and take us to his holy lands..." He lied.

Cassie was getting excited now.

It was very clear.

"He will save us.." He lied once more.

"Hey, you done yet?" The taller called out from in another hallway.

"Yeah! What do you want?" The shorter grumbled again.
"Come here." The taller demanded.

"Alright! Hey Cassie... You can explore.. Just.. Dont come in his office... Okay?" The shorter said slowly. Cassie nodded as the seemingly trustworthy man vanished into his friends office.

Cassie started roaming around, looking up, down, left, right at everything she could possibly see.

She eventually accidentally walked past their office...

"God... Fuck you..." She heard one of them huff. She wanted to see what they were doing but noticed that they had shutters on the inside of the room that were closed. The door was also locked.

Cassie went into another hallway, and another. Hallway after hallway she roamed.

After what felt like forever, she bumped into a woman.

The woman looked like a nun. Her hair was tucked behind her veil and she smiled pleasantly at Cassie.

"Why hello dear... What seems to bring you here?" The nun greeted.

"The two guys brought me for a surprise.." Cassie said to the woman.

"Whats your name?" The nun asked Cassie, who responded with Cassie.

"Well Cassie.. Ill be off. Im Sister Freya if you need me.." She smiled and walked off into one of the endless halls.

Cassie was alone once more.


With the other two...


The shorter man was huffing like crazy as the taller smirked. His smirk vanished as he realized they had brought that girl over. "Oh, wheres the kid?" The taller asked. "I dont know you wanted me, I let her explore.. Im just going to hope Freya has seen her or something..." He panted. "Lets hope." He agreed.

Sister Freya has made her way near their office. A few more steps and she was there.

"Maqac, Forum.." She said, looking at the taller and shorter in order.

"What, Freya..?" The taller, or Maqac, rolled his eyes. "I seen you've brought another." Freya pointed out.

"Yeah, luring kids and kidnapping them is pretty fuckin' easy..." Maqac smirked.

"Says you... I lured her..." The shorter, or Forum, scoffed.

"Pretty easy.." Maqac continued.

"Dont let her get away." Freya said sternly at the two. "We won't... He might, but I wont." Maqac smirked, pointing his thumb at Forum.

"Fuck you asshole... You hate kids too." Forum was starting to sound more pissed off by the second.

"Shh! Cassie's coming." Freya shushed the two as she seen the little girl skip down the hallway.


To be continued...

For those trying to pronounce Maqac its (Ma-cac)

Should I continue this book or nah?

Words: 811


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