chapter ten

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Now that you know my attack you should also know there is no way to win against me. Unlike spiritual energy, cosmic energy is an external source so no matter how much I use it I will never exhaust myself. Unlike you who use spiritual energy and will run out soon. It would be a different story if you could counter it but you can't so it isn't. He has got a point, Sama thinks to herself. If what he says is true then I can't hope to outlast him. On top of that I can't deal with his attack easily, my teleportation is strong but it uses a ton of mana. Then my only choice is to take him down in one shot. And I only have one move in my arsenal capable of it. Sumi step back. I will take this alone. But why we would do better together? It takes more energy to teleport both of us rather than just me and besides you haven't trained to fight like that. Don't worry, I have a plan. Wait, don't tell me you plan to use that, her father says with great concern. It's my only choice. She rushes at the opponent, Asahi tries to stop her but he is injured from Souta's explosion. Taiyo forms more needles, and throws them at her. As I thought, my teleportation is the only way to deal with them. She says as she teleports behind him stopping her earlier charge with a slide and going at him from this new direction. Without even looking he forms new needles behind him and sends them towards her. Their trajectories were random so he couldn't see her but he knew she was there. She is forced to teleport again. But no matter where she goes he always throws new needles at her. Eventually she no longer has the mana to supply her teleportation and the needles hit her. Oh, looks like someone is at their limit. In that case I will end it. He creates needles to surround her and then they all fly at her. She is on her knees unable to go on any longer. The needles hit her and she is on the ground. This move has speed but it lacks power, so I will finish you off myself. He says this while walking towards her. The fight they had seemed long for her but it ended in under a minute. He created a single needle and aimed it at her head. Any last words, for your friends over there although they will join you soon you may still have something to say. Yes, lightning art: lightning dragon storm release, what a technique. This move is my strongest. It calls a dragon from the heavens and strikes me and that is its drawback. If my opponent is close enough we will both experience the full might of a storm. Now I will, she pauses when she hears a familiar voice not Sumi nor her father. It was Ichiro, her brother, he had arrived. I am here Sama, so there is no need to use that, her brother says. But how, she says as she cancels her technique. Father had relayed the details to me while you were fighting. My unit is on the way but I had to rush here. So I could stop you from doing that. Now you, you hurt my sister so naturally I will break every bone in your body. Come and try it boy. Thunder art: divine speed, a technique to flash at the target with great power and even greater speed. It is called divine speed because it allows one to move at speeds that rivals that of a god's. That is what thunder art is all about great speed and booming power mainly focused on physical attacks. His speed surpassed that of the needles and he hit the target with a kick in the neck thrusting him into the ground. When it comes to speed my sister's teleportation is faster but she lacks combat experience. If she were a few years older she would be even better than me. But as her older brother it is my job to protect her. He continues to barrage his opponent with fast paced attacks. Well you certainly are impressive, so to show my respect to your strength I will get serious. My father told me how your power works, so does that mean you can use cosmic energy to a greater extent. I have only been using a bit of the sun's light. Now I will give you the full course. Sun style: incineration ball, a ball of fire many times hotter than fire magic could produce. This time I'll aim for that sister you love so much. So you will either get hit or let her take the blast. He throws the ball at Sama. In that case, thunder art: thunder ball. He creates a huge ball of thunder that is much bigger than the super hot fire ball and uses it to crush the projectile. The result was a blast of immense heat that pushed him back and burned his hand. Damn, even if I surpass the mass of it, the heat is so much greater that I still got burned. I don't have any ranged attacks so that is a problem. I will use my barrier and protect them all. He flashes and gets Sama to the others. Now thunder art: thunderstorm barrier, he creates a six sided barrier to surround them. Well that's an interesting technique, instead of blocking the attack it will destroy it. Naturally strong against projectiles that don't surpass a certain level. And unfortunately mine do not surpass the level. At this rate he will probably kill me and if I can't take out even one of them it would be pointless. I managed to put that girl out of action, but the main problem is those two. I think they said they were father and son. They are strong, too strong to leave alone. I have to take one of them down no matter the cost. Naku is strong enough to be without allies, so the best I can do is lighten his load for when I am done for. So I will use that, an attack to destroy anything within a huge radius, even me. I lure them close to him, Naku can easily defend against it but they don't know that. I will catch them off guard with it. You all will be protected in my barrier, let me finish him, Ichiro says as he steps out of his barrier. Oh that's a surprise you don't need to be in that to keep it active. Impressive however you are without protection yourself. Come on, let me turn you to ash. Sun style: incarnation sun, he forms a giant ball that looks like a super small sun. He throws it towards Ichiro. My barrier can deal with that and I am fast enough to dodge it. He flashes past the attack and towards Taiyo. Thunder art: thunderous pierce, he flashes his fist right into Taiyo. He coughs up blood, damn he struck a vital spot. But, he grabs hold of Ichiro’s fist. Now he can't run. Sun style: sun scorch annihilation, he begins to glow brightly. Wait your using that you do realize I will be caught up in it too, his comrade says without concern. Although that may have been your plan to lure them in. Well it's no big deal for me. Damn I can't move because of his grip on my arm. In that case I will have no choice but to make a sacrifice. Taiyo blows up into a massive swirl of scorching fire. It covers a much greater distance than his comrades' explosion. Even the barrier with all of the troops as well as the commander Sama and Sumi in it was within range. A massive explosion indeed.

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