Chapter Six

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Hey guys! I'm in a really good mood today so why not update?:D




Chapter Six

Layla's POV

Purple. Purple is the colour of my dress. It looks a little too short for my liking but then again I'm not going to a relatives get together it's a guest diner so I have to dress differently, its ht but appropriate if that makes sense? Although it probably won't because everything I say tends to not make sense. This outfit was totally not my idea it was my frien Sarah who is also one of my other favourite girls in the world, she fixed up the outift for me because if it was upto me I'd have my 'No means No' t-shirt on along with some oversized sweatpants which cause me to trip over but are still comfortable as fuck. Looking one last time in the mirror I smile at my dress suddenly happy with the look, it was a strapless purple dress with a thick belt going just below the chest having it firmly stick to your body ad then below it flows upto mid thigh and ruffles taking over the material giving it a messy yet elegant look. Looking once more at my hair I give it a delicate run through with my fingers making my messy waves look a little better. 

Grabbing my clutch I head downstairs trying not to trip in these heels which I think are probably taller than any I've wore before, but oh well, if I trip and lad on my face I won't really mind, it's happened countless times before. Reaching downstairs I look over at my mom to see her pulling out a wine glass along with some very expensive wine which I'm guessing she'll end up finishing before the ride we were assigned arrived, of course me and my mom were invited so I really have no choice in going with what most people would call my mother.

After 10 minutes of totally ignoring each other our ride arrives, I know because I hear a roar of an engine going off just outside of our house as of what I'm guessing is now waiting in the driveway. Hearing the sudden sound of the doorbell I get up from the sofa I was most comfortably sat in playing Angry Birds, and head on over to the door.

"I'll get it!" Of course not waiting for my moms reply I open the door to reveal....


On His iPhone not even realising the door open until I clear my throat.

"Ahem" I answer hoping to get walking herpes attention. 

"Wow school really doesn't do you justice." Says Jason placing the all familiary panty-dropping smirk, well of course I'm keepig my embarrassing granny panties on thank you very much. Walking towards the car I see Jason walk a little ahead opening the door, which his mom probably told him to do, to make a good impression on my Mom, who bangs any guy she sees when she's drank up every single bottle she can find, I won't be shocked if she starts trying to make a move on Jason, considering she's just been drinking. Getting in I don't even look back to see if she's gotten in the car because honestly I couldn't give a flying shit. 

The car ride was super awkward. You know when you get that dreadful feeling at the pit of your stomach like you're waiting for something to happen? Yeah I know I'm so use to have that feeling because whenever my 'mom' went out to drink I had a feeling n my stomach it was going to end bad for me and I think that is exactly what's happening right now. 

Arriving at the Windler's house that puts my house to shame I look over the perfectly cut grass and the fountain in the middle with a pinapple which seemed oddly familiar as did the fountain, like I had memories in there. Heading to the door I see Jason heading off to where I'm guessing is to park the car. Knocking on the door it opens almost seconds later to reveal a lady who looked like she's just won a million dollars. Sheesh, make it two million.

"Hii Hunny! It's been so long since you've come over. You've been missed!" What? Missed? The only thing missing is my memory, because I don't remember ever meeting this woman because believe me, I'm sure I would remember.

Grabbing a chair I look up to see Jason arrive smiling, yes, smiling, not smirking. Which is actually shocking. Of course hoping for that smile to stay there I sit down carefully making sure to hold my dress down so it doesn't end up revealing something I would regret tomorrow. But me beig me I'm bound to fuck this up which of course I did, I didn't seem to realise that pulling my dress down meant lowering my heart neckline which covered my what I like to call a non existent chest because seriously I swear I have the smallest boobs ever, but I guess they'll do because jeez I'm not getting a boob job anytime soon. 

Looking up I see both Jasons parents walk into the room automatically making me rise up from my seat and go to give them a hug. 

"Hello Layla, Christine. Lovely for you to come." Says Jason's mom Arianna, wait how did I know her name? I'm almost positive I've never met her before, because I would remember and use this against Jason. 

"It's a pleasure being here. Thank you for the wonderful invitation, also the perfect place to tell Layla." Replies my 'mom' putting on her mother act, and giving off a smile that makes it seem like she's not drunk as fuck at the moment. I mean how'd she get rid of the alcohol smell on her breath which is there 24/7? Did she spray some breath freshner before we got into the house or something. 

Wait what? Perfect place to tell Layla? Well that doesn't make me suspicous at all.. not even a little. As if noticing my eyes squint suspiciously my mom counters.

"Oh Honey I guess its better to tell you sooner or later." Says my mom, sighing pretending to sound sincere, haha it's not working. 

"Okay go ahead 'mom'" I'm ready for this I mean how bad could it be?

"You're moving in with the Windler's because I have to go to Paris for 8 months on a very short notice. I'm so sorry honey!"



Longer or Nah? Easter Holidays were pretty wack and I've kinda been really busy but hope its okay!



FAN!! <3 Love Ya Lots

- Maria x :P

Tragic LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora