Chapter Eleven

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New update! Hell yes! Enjoy Muffins:D


Chapter Eleven

Layla's POV

"Ahh...Madds Jason doesn't like me..." I just told Maddie about my fiasco at the pool yeah I don't wanna go back to that traumatising chapter its like a file in the back of my head that I'm not accessing. With all of the other stuff I don't like, like every single day I've spend with my mother. Her beatings, her constant neglecting me. But also my most embarrassing moments like the one where I tripped over my own foot at a job interview in the ice cream shop near my house, let's just say the manager wasn't happy in being covered in strawberry swirl ice cream.

"Enough about me and Jason how about you and Seb huh?" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively hinting towards their little session by the pool, and instantly a deep crimson highlighting her cheeks, confirming my theory.

"What are y-you talking about?" Stuttering, chica, that's a bad move, we all know you're lying if you stutter or avoid eye contact which is what she was currently doing. She thinks I don't know but believe me we're practically sisters. Being able to tell she's lying, like when she twitches her left eye just as the lie leaves her mouth. But both of them would be great together and I think they'd be okay, if they Seb doesn't cheat on her or break her heart, or both.

"It's okay to accept it Maddie, all is well. I kinda like you guys together in a weird way. Although you're a bit out of seb's league just saying." I assure her, lifting one eyebrow up and smirking.

"Oh and Madds did I tell you about Jared?" She shakes her head signalling no so I carry on. "He asked me on a date this Friday. Can't wait! He use to be in my Kindergarten class he left the day before you joined. Yeah you never got to meet him. He looked really cute when he was young he use to cry about everything but then suddenly be happy like for instance if he got a new crayon set. " Remembering that day it was great until he had to move to England. I cried really bad and my Dad comforted me. But then the next day Maddie joined she came with a really cute pink flowy dress with pigtails in her caramel hair. I offered her a gummy bear because she was scared and from then on we were inseparable and still are, I tell her everything. Except one.

"Yeah but babe you got me come on that's an achievement." She says signalling towards herself while flaunting her body, then stopping and looking at me with wide eyes, wider than Tiffany's legs.

"WAIT HE ASKED YOU OUT ON A DATE?!" She says jumping up and down on my bed flaunting her arms and shaking the bed and me.

"Yeah...sorry I forgot to tell you because I just moved in you know..." I say making up an excuse.

"It's fine. At least you told me, and we don't keep secrets from each other." Feeling the pang of guilt hit my chest I smile at her.


After we finished our talk we headed downstairs to pick up some snacks because we were going to watch a movie. Heading towards the kitchen I pop the bag of popcorn into the microwave dancing along to the radio in the kitchen. It was late so they weren't playing very good music.

"Hey Lay, where are the sweets like gummy bears, chocolate, etc?" She asks popping her head into the kitchen door.
"I...uh don't have a clue to be honest. You're going to ask Jason as I've not been here for very long." I only knew where the popcorn was because Arianna bought it a bit ago, and she left it out, probably forgot to put it away.
"Okay, I'll go ask him now." She says and walks away hearing her footsteps echo. After a couple of minutes the sound of more footsteps re enter the kitchen, the two being Jason and Maddie.
"They're in the cupboard under the island." He says pointing down at it. Focusing my gaze on him I see him yawn, I guess we just woke him up. Turning my gaze once again I realise he isn't wearing a shirt. Fantastic.
"Thanks." Says Maddie walking over to the cupboard and bending down to grab it out.
"No problem. Need anything else?" He says looking directly at me.

just you

"Nah, we're good thanks." I reply letting out a chunk of air I didn't even know I was holding.
Seeing something flicker in his eyes he nods and walks away. Leaving me and my fantasies, oh yeah, and Maddie.


After the movie finished we both didn't have the energy to go upstairs, so we fell asleep on the couch. Gummy bears and popcorn scattered all across the floor.


Like it? Love it? Hate it? Wanna kill it? Marry it? Break its face? Make it eat a smurf? Okay idk where the last ones came from anyways I dont want this part of A/N to be long so its back to the usual.



FAN!! <33 Love Ya Lotss

- Maria x :P

There is a song to the side which is one of my favourites I don't know why I love it so much I guess I just do. :) Baii Now.


Tragic LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora