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Storm's hitting nearby me. Can't get any sleep. Losing hours of work. Can't even Invision a dream.

Losing my mind. Breaking my sanity. I don't know what to do. Clueless of what my life would be like, if it wasn't for the passion of saving, setting up plans, meeting nice people.

Who would I become? Would I even have a purpose? A legacy?

Who am I even? I can't know myself. All that I know is, is that I'm not feeling well. Was I feeling well to begin with?

I couldn't tell. I wish I was young again, so freely inspired with the ability to grow. I wish that I was forever a child. But wishes don't come true, that's a lie. A Wish is greedy. That's what I've learned from Disney.

Storms blow away quickly, as they say, but one stubborn tornado withstands in the way. It annoys them, it annoys me, saying, begging, pleading for attention. I would rather not get sucked up by one, they could kill you mercilessly. The tornado doesn't care, it doesn't have sympathy nor pity of other storms.

Club, spade, diamond, heart. Which one would fall apart?

Club, spade, diamond, heart.

Club, spade, diamond.

Club, diamond.



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