Lust [1.0 Gummy worms]

14 1 1

Slate and Nire are 28.

Mild gore (?) Its just mentions of Being able to see organs functioning inside someones transparent belly.
Its a lust au so you should expect it to atleast mention something sexual, nothing super major happens though.

(Theres some drink lacing but it doesnt work on the intended person.)

Theres of course quite a bit of swearing and dirty talk.

"Asking someone to hook up literally feels like "Spare coochie? Spare coochie, ma'am?? 😢" and its painful, especially when they say no but in the nicest way possible so now you just feel like a weirdo for asking in the first place-" Slate curled his tail around the stool he was sitting on, leaning his upper half on the bar counter and resting his head on his arms.

"Ig i can understand that." Nire was on the stool next to him, drinking a glass of alcohol.

"Try not to drink too much btw, youre a handful to take home when youre drunk, and i dont wanna end up waking up with you stuck on me again." Slate drank the rest of his own drink, that was going to be his last one for today.

"Oh, is that so? Did your dicks tell you that one too?" Nire smirked at Slate as he huffed.

"You know what i meant." Slate made an unamused expression and trilled, looking around the bar for a moment before looking back at Nire.

"Yea yea, but we both know you would enjoy it no matter what, hun." Nire drank the rest of his drink and set the empty glass down.

"Whatever Lamb, ill be right back, stay here." Slate patted Nires shoulder before he got off from his stool and walked outside the bar, leaving Nire alone.

Nire sat alone for a few minutes, pulling his phone out to text a few people he planned to meet with sometime this week, soon someone did approach him, sitting in the stool Slate was previously in.

They engaged in a sort of flirty conversation with Nire for a bit before they asked him if he was open to go somewhere more private for "some fun", Nire had declined their offer because he wasnt really in the mood to mess around with random people simply for fun.

The person in question didnt take the rejection well but they acted like they did, offering to buy him another drink instead.

Nire didnt turn down this offer, though he only agreed to one drink which the person was perfectly fine with.

When the drinks came they had slipped something into Nires drink right as Slate had returned.

"im back, Sweetheart. And who are you?" Slate was suspicious the moment he walked over, as he did manage to spot the person do something to Nires drink while he wasnt paying attention, he used his tail to secretly swap the two drinks so the rando had the laced one while they were introducing themselves to him.

"What did you go do?" Nire had grabbed the drink off the counter and started to drink it, of course nothing bad happened to him because Slate had swapped the drinks.

"Needed to call someone, just Shadow cuz i wanted to talk to her." Slate watched the other person drink the laced drink before looking back at Nire.

"So you didnt need to call her, sugar. you just wanted to because your dog-like self missed her already. Thats cute. =v=" Slate got embarrassed and turned away slightly.

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