Chapter 12: The Hour of Joy

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"You took yourself by a surprise after the sight you've dreamed about, and you stretched your arms while letting a loud yawn that alerted Mike." Mike: Looks like someone had their good beauty sleep. Y/N: Yeah~ Yeah, I have a great sleep~ Did I miss something? Mike: No, you didn't miss anything; in fact, there's nothing to miss out on. Y/N: That's good to hear! "Looking up to his phone after checking the cameras, you finally decided to tell him about your feelings towards him. 'Mike', you called out to his name that have caught his eye on you, and when the time arises to admit, a scream of a little girl from their distance that have alerted you and Mike. Mike has no spare time to stay and listen to you, the man ran past you as he noticed that he sister was gone in a tent, suspecting that was Abby's screaming. You are alone at the security office sighing in disbelief that you didn't get the chance to tell him, and at to your disbelief, you heard a fading voice out of nowhere saying 'follow me'. Without second thoughts to think straight, you are determine to hunt down the anonymous mysterious voice, and as you left the office, Golden Freddy materialized out of nowhere standing at the center of the room with the anonymous shivering laughter."


🌸Scene: Hallway🌸




"You are currently walking through the hallway of the building, trying to figure out where the voice came from or leading you to. All you know is that your spine starts to shiver and your legs feel numb for whatever reason as the voice constantly saying to follow it, but the feeling of your mind starts to trick you off." Y/N: Hello? Is someone there?? "Alas, no one responded back to you that you loudly repeated your words." Y/N: HELLO?? If someone's here, then speak up!




I have learned something new about you.. and ONLY YOU


"The voice responded back, but not in the way you expected it to be the response. At the end of that response, you saw a vision of the two animatronics you were familiar with." Y/N: Killer Girl? Killer Boy? "Once again, you feel shivers crawling faster to your spine as you heard the anonymous laughter growing louder towards you, and the flickering of lights have returned. 'Welcome to the Hour of Joy' you quickly dash your way in between of Killer Girl and Killer Boy, who practically are just standing there and didn't make a single movement, to see what it really meant and instantly encounter a DEAD friend and several dead employees and guards that made you squirm under your breath. You let out deep breaths as you feel that the animatronics behind you are now facing and staring at you; you want to stare back at them, but too scared to make a glance that you constantly inhaling and exhaling."


Killer Girl: L-let's see what are w-we capable of.. SISTER~




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