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The next morning, Marigold and I woke up early. At about six, I drove her home. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew her parents probably didn't want to leave her with me, so I let her go.

Every time I left her, I wasn't sure if it was the last time I would ever see her. The only time I wasn't worried was the last time I saw her.

I saw her again two days later. She wasn't doing too well. She was moving slower, was tired a lot, and was losing weight. I knew she didn't have much longer.


"Hey," she said.

"Wanna' go outside?" I asked.


We laid on the hammock, not saying a word. We closed our eyes as we listened to the sounds of the world. The world that made our love possible, the world that was tearing us apart. The world that caused Mary's cancer. The world that is killing the love of my life.

Dear world,

Fuck you.

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