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I knew she was going to die ever since I first met her, so it wasn't a giant tragedy or anything like that. It was just me loving her for her last days. If i didn't want for it to be sad, I wouldn't have loved her like I did.

I don't consider this a sad story. I consider it an amazing story about how I help a depressed, dying girl enjoy her last days. I'm sure I made an impact on her life, but I'm also sure she made a bigger impact on mine.

When I first met her, I was almost sure I was going to hate her. She was depressed (which made sense because she was dying), she hated me, and she was a jerk to basically everybody. Sometimes, you just have to get to know someone better before you can judge them.

I walked into the church, sat down in the pew, and looked over at her. As expected, she was being a jerk to someone. To be completely honest, it was kind of amusing, as long as it wasn't me, but still, it got annoying. So, anyways, I was looking over at her, thinking of how much I hated her, when I heard the priest say, "Before we get started, I would like everybody to say a prayer for Marigold Barkley, who's cancer has become untreatable."

My first thought was, "Why would I care? It'll actually be nice without her," but then I realized how rude that was of me, and I thought about how I would feel if I was going to die of cancer, so I said a prayer for her.

Nothing really exciting happened for the rest of the time at church, except for just after it ended.

"I'm sorry, Marigold," I said.

"Thank you. Nobody else really cares, so it means a lot to me."

Wait, what? Did she just say something nice to me? I know, it was really rude of me to think of her like that, but it was hard to think of her as a nice person.

"You don't need to thank me. It was rude of me to not be nicer to you when I found out you had cancer. I shouldn't have been such a jerk."

"I don't want you to be nice to me because I have cancer. I want you to be nice to me because you care. I don't want you to be nice because you pity me."


"It's fine."

Already, I was starting to like her. She seemed a lot nicer than before.

I decided to give her another chance.

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