Chapter Fourteen: The Machination Of Yaldaboath

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Now Lilith was just a tree in Eden, with her bitter roots immobilising her on the spot. Her only possessions were dead branches, and she only cast over the grass the one shadow of an ugly face—her hatred of what has been done to her.

Her leaves were the deception of a life; her nectar was in constant blossom with her dark flowers and her rotten and mushy fruits—the food that fed Adam and her stolen body that the Archons called 'Eve.'

What they were eating from Lilith made them forget their reality, their prison, and enabled them to better execute this one order of Yaldabaoth: copulation.

Lilith could only hear her own sobs each time Adam would mount on Eve, as she remembered being incapable of this act. She didn't feel any attraction to Adam, and he too understood it and came to accept it, but not their Archons guardians.

They would often take Lilith out of Eden after she turned down the advance of Adam. The beating was the easiest to survive, but the worst was when she ended up alone with Elaois. He would take pleasure in showing her how to mate with Adam, pushing down her face, breaking her limbs, while crushing her from the inside.

This pain was the most unbearable, and Lilith would often shut her eyes during the deed. Evading in her dream to wake up one day and to reciprocate Adam's urges for her womanly body. Instead, she would only wake up on a mechanical jolt with Elaois still on top of her. Lilith felt dirty and used, and yet she could not understand why she wasn't like what they wanted her to be.

Why would Yaldabaoth create her broken?

Her bark creaked a little, and her branches snapped louder on those living nightmares, with Adam just finishing on relieving himself within Eve. This was when the Archons would come and take her away with them, and she would only come back cleaner than before.

Life continued a bit that way. Elaois would not touch her anymore as she was now a lifeless tree to his eyes, while her plant friend on the other side would never talk to her again.

Why would Adam or Eve never eat the other tree's fruits?

Shimmering leaves in dark green and oval-shaped with a serrated edge adorned its branches with between each of them, fruits growing into a pleasant red round shape. Yet, Adam and Eve rejected it.

It itched her to know why, but what could she do as a tree?

With powers they said were a shame, Lilith was now tamed into submission and feared her own destiny.

"Use your thought; use your epinoia."

This was what came to her mind from her escape, and this was how she shed out of her new body. Lilith suddenly crawled out of her bark flesh as an elongated, limbless body, and yet she was out for blood.

Lilith instantly went under the tree that had once saved her for shelter. There were two eggs within it, and Lilith coiled around them to keep them warm until Eve came to her. Lilith's new, rounded red eyes with vertical slits hypnotised Eve.

It felt like the memory of a body for one that allows the creature to approach her, while for the other, it was a means of regaining control of what she once lost.

Lilith used the friction in the slight bumps of her previous body to move over Eve, climbing over her shoulders and behind the curtails of her now lifeless blond hair.

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