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Eyes have their own language.

Author's POV

The half moon lingering far away in the spread out dark sky as the night has streched out its arms to embrace the world. The silvery moon beam shines through the dark sky and descended under the every object it could find to cast its enchanting light.

Numerous stars twinkling in their own lustrousness and engaged in murmuring with each other about the bizarre or chivalrous creatures living on the earth and the wind breathes lonely, longing to be seen, sometimes the soul has days like these.

He as still as a puff of wind sauntered in the direction of kitchen from where a thread of light coming through interweaving with night fog of soon ending winter from a considerate distance.

There was deep frown casted on his face and mouth set in a hard line and in a while his footsteps brought him close to the entrance of the kitchen where his black eyes that matched the color of the night perfectly, directly landed on his wife.

Who, with one hand placed just above her chest as if her heart might burst at any moment, and had an expression of horror coating her entire oval face. Her chest rising and falling more rapidly than usual.

Her booming yet harsh breathes mingling with the air thundered in his ear making his heart felt somewhat guilty but he brushed that aside.

"Holy Shit! You scared the crap out of me". She exclaimed on
the spur of the moment as her gaze lingered on her husband whose facial features, usually so emotionless, revealed a certain uneasiness.

He didn't bother to share a word as he just stood there with an unreadable expression which is quite arduous to be cognizant of.

Her eyes took a brief glimpse of his Adonis appearance. White linen shirt which was tucked yet uncrumpled with two chest button unclosed, a black cotton blazer hanging laxly on his forearm, pairing it with a black formal trouser that put out of sight of his long legs.

His tousled raven hair flitting in the flow of air, causing two-three strands falling on his glassy forehead that radiates from the waves of success, his jawline was clear and sharp right up to below his ear but something drew her attention, a small scar across his neckline.

A wave of curiosity and worrisome glistened in her dark brown orbs but the words like a whirlwind died on the tip of her tongue, when her lashes lifted up and her gaze met with his.

One glimpse of them ignited a flame of fire in the flow of air that was bordering her from all the sides, her pupils dilated and she drew a stuttering breath.

An awkward silence enveloped the kitchen. A cold breeze carried by the wind, played with the flame of the candle, causing flickering shadows to dance across the walls.

And suddenly her lips felt dry and instinctively she moved her tongue over them sensuously. And the action didn't go unnoticed by his perceiving deep eyes as it felt like her heart was going to explode when his eyes moved down to her lips under the glow of the silvery moonlight.

A rapid heartbeat passed as she watched the gentle movement in his throat as he swallowed.

A muscle jump in his jaw and then realization arrived in gentle waves and overlapping at the shores of his consciousness until he's drenched in confusion. The agony collected, expanded and the pressure building to a peak so acute it transformed, sharpening into a structure that stopped his heart for a few matter of seconds.

He came back to his life with a sudden terrifying inhalation that nearby choked him, blood rushed to his ears.

The muscle along his jaw leap as he considered his next words, never one to blurt anything out without first weighing it. "Would you care to tell me why you are here at this strange hour of the day?"

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